Do you think maybe that all this gun imagery the right wing uses to oppose people who supported health care reform has something to do with it?
Tragic way to go. Was she a state representative or national? No shortage of wackos out there, eh?
dude you brought it up.
and is this really the thread to discuss this in?
it is true that the USA does have a violent crime problem but why try to debate that in a thread that at this point appears to be about a political assassination .
I am an American, and I speak from personal observation. I find it amusing that when something happens that gives us a black eye, they many Americans like to point out that violent acts happen in other countries too, as if that gives us a free pass! All the rest of the time, we claim we are so superior to those very so-called "lesser" countries! Which is it? Are we better than the rest or aren't we? Seemingly, our actions speak much louder than words!
Anyone who would try to claim that we don't have a serious problem with violence in the USA, that totally eclipses all other so-called "civilized" nations, is being disingenuous at best!
I'm not someone who hates the USA! I'm one who hates what my country is becoming & hates the fact that it rarely lives up to it's potential greatness! I'm also one who isn't too proud to call my country out when it needs it!
Yeah. Now there are conflicting reports.
How does a random assassination segue way into a criticism of Americans? Do you just look for some kind of excuse, any kind of excuse, to shit on them? A senator was randomly shot in the head, time to blame American violence....
Yeah,'re trying to distract from the fact that blaming American conceit is an odd way to comment on this general act of violence. So it's the countries fault that she's dead?I'd SERIOUSLY DOUBT that it was a RANDOM act of violence (she was targeted), and she is/was a Congresswoman....not a Senator.
thanks LK.
I deleted it because i didnt feel like getting into a debate.
thanks for keeping it alive.
Do you think maybe that all this gun imagery the right wing uses to oppose people who supported health care reform has something to do with it?
Sorry, man. I can't edit anymore.
lol wikipedia recanted the DoD.
Because someone was so eager to proclaim that she died and now there's a possibility that she might live. They goofed.Why is that funny?