How many teabag asshat candidates used inflammatory gun rhetoric during the last election cycle? i,.e.- "Second Amendment remedies", "don't retreat, RELOAD!", Crosshairs on congressional districts et al. Hate in, violence out. Why should douchebags like Sarah Palin and Sharon Angle be absolved of their culpability? Just like Bill O'Reilly and his continual use of "Tiller the baby killer". Fucking ridiculous and indefensible!
What about President Clinton talking about 'bringing a gun to a knife fight?'
Or Joe Manchin with his gun remarks?
Or J.D. Hayworth's Arizona democratic party opponent using gunfight metaphors?
The truth is that the Dems know what the republican posturing is about, the Dems use it as well when they think it'll work and this outrage is driven by political angling. They don't even expect the Republicans to stop, it's just to make them look bad in the eyes of the public.
That's one little example of the problems facing America. You have trench warfare in politics, where every action is seen as a zero-sum game, so the struggle for power is a tit-for-tat one.