No more fucking neocons!
I agree with you there. I can't stand these goddamned NeoCunt motherfuckers fucking shit up from the White House!
No more fucking neocons!
I agree with you there. I can't stand these goddamned NeoCunt motherfuckers fucking shit up from the White House!
Neo cons ? Isn't Ingraham a Christian ? :dunno: :tongue:. I think both Condi and Laura, and quite a few of the other neocons,. . . 0
Late to the party (me)
Neo cons ? Isn't Ingraham a Christian ? :dunno: :tongue:
Question - Who was the very first "neo con" from your recollection ?
I always thought that it was the editor of the weekly standard, whatshisface ?
"Krystal" or some such ?
As I recall, a neo con was specifically a Jewish conservative, quite possibly a democratic party defector - "new conservative".
Just a thought :o
Yeah, Brother Irving Kristol. Too bad he wasn't stillborn.
As I understand it, neoconservatism's Jewish links are just because of the Trotskyite following it had early on. But these days, its heaviest links are to Zionism, and an expansive/interfering U.S. foreign policy (nation building). And one doesn't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist. In fact, some of the most loyal Zionists in the U.S. are fundamentalist Evangelicals. And they're all about spreading the gospel and the wealth (overseas).
I don't know, I'm certain that something could be negotiated :1orglaughHow much money were the Poles and Czechs going to pay us for that system?
Just last Thursday, The President remarked that the same protection can be accomplished using "smaller" weapons systems... OK :dunno: (?) show us the bacon ... what specific "smaller" weapons systems does the president have in mind ?
Being "black" is now a qualification for being
I would say the most significant quality you should have is that you not suck at your previous, less important job.
Rice was one of the worst Secy. of States in US history IMO. The Georgian fiasco, she turned Pakistan into lesbos on the Taliban and AQ in that they weren't doing dick. Predictions on Iraq were unfounded if not abjectly wrong. US/Russian relations worsened..US stature diminished and was not very credible...and at the end of GWB's term the US was begging it's allies for support in Afghanistan and Iraq.
We won't even go into her travails while she was NSA... I would say let's at least start with people who didn't suck at their previous, high profile positions.:2 cents:
Yeah she is black, so what did that not help Barack Obama last year when I kept hearing for 1000 times on how he was the first black president the first african american the first black president for it only works one way I see...
Are you guys ever serious?? Being Black didn't help Obama....he was a charismatic, intelligent candidate who answer questions coherently, appeared pragmatic in presenting his ideas....he also happened to be black.
In case you haven't realized, Barack Obama isn't the only black to ever run for POTUS.
I don't want to turn this into a Obama thread but you would be *blind* if you think him possibly being the first black president had nothing to do with a lot of people and pretty much getting all the black voters (republicans, democrats, independents) vote in 2008 and yeah the media mentioning so many times and democrats acussing people that if he did not win it was because the U.S. was still racist...where have you been for the past year man?
Color has a lot to do in politics these days!
Now that is very much bullshit. If that's what they're selling, I'm sorry, I call bullshit.We already have systems in place that accomplish the same thing and much better. We have detection and tracking systems all over LEO, in the air and at sea.
Existing systems can intercept missiles in any stage of the of their flight trajectory and we have intercept systems in the air, at sea and GMD....
I don't know, I'm certain that something could be negotiated :1orglaugh
Just last Thursday, The President remarked that the same protection can be accomplished using "smaller" weapons systems... OK :dunno: (?) show us the bacon ... what specific "smaller" weapons systems does the president have in mind ? Do you really think that he's going to follow up on anything ? Remember, a bit less than a year ago shortly after "w" gave the final go ahead for the defensive missile installation (Poland), the ruskies went into a tizzy and dispatched all sorts of miltary hardware into ku-ba and Venezuela in response to ''w's" approval, remember that ? Is russia now going to retract it's military hardware since there will be no defensive missile sight installation in Poland ? lol !Better yet, does this President have enough of a pair or has he even garnered enough respect of other world leaders to demand such a thing ? lol ! Unfortunately NO.![]()