Condoleeza Rice for president 2012!


what the fuck you lookin at?
Fucking great idea! Blacks got all carried away with obama being elected. I can only imagine how out of control they'll get if we get a black woman in office. Not only another black president, but also the first female president...terrible fucking idea!

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
What you describe about her personal story actually makes her a more attractive candidate, imo. She could easily find a token hubby to marry quickly. I thought she wanted to be NFL Commish at one point.

Do you think she has a pair of C cups hidden under those suits/blouses? If she had a more "up to date" hairstyle, she could actually look pretty attractive. Not joking.

It might make her a more attractive candidate to progressive voters or moderate Republicans (now called RINO's). But I'm talking about the "high school is considered to be higher education" Evangelical base here. I'm talking about people who believe that the earth is 6,000 years old, who believe that God had a big hand in getting George W. Bush into office and who believe that Obama is the (o-fficial) "anti-Christ" (something like 37% of them, I believe). Her feelings about abortion and her questionable sexuality would play a part in how they'd feel, IMO. That would be true of southern, extremist Evangelicals and fundamentalists, whether they're White or Black. And then you have the low rent/neo-Confederate/trailer park crowd. Legzman's post above would be their rallying cry not to support her.

Her looks aside (which other than Sarah Palin's dumb ass, no one else has tried to skate by on their looks alone, without having at least a few active brain cells), I think Rice is very intelligent. I knew Laura Ingraham (not well) - she was in law school across from where I went to business school. I think both Condi and Laura, and quite a few of the other neocons, are extremely intelligent (in an I.Q. sense). IMO, that elite cadre of intellectual neocons use the ignorant hordes as their foot soldiers. And even though Condi is one of the intellectuals and well liked by the leadership, they still have to have someone out front who isn't a problem for the knuckle dragging mob.

They have to have someone who will be acceptable to "the base". And right now "the base" is largely comprised of "social conservatives" (Evangelicals, neo-Confederates, rednecks, etc.), and not so much (actual) fiscal conservatives. You could lock Sarah Palin in a room for six months with Arthur Laffer. And at the end of that six months, she wouldn't know anymore about supply side economics than the first day she entered the room. But a big portion of "the base" loves Sarah... because they can identfy with her. What does that tell ya? :rolleyes: :D


I think she would scare the shit out of the Russians!

I'm not challenging you here, but I don't know of anything remarkable with respect to Ms. Rice and her dealings with the Russians, unless of course the results of those dealings were kept confidential and not leaked out to the press.
I understand that Ms. Rice is well learned in Russian History, current events, Kremlin layout e.g. government structure and I'm aware that she speaks Russian fluently, definitely all good attributes. The question is who is this woman ideologically ? Is she big on social expenditures & high taxes ? If so she's a definite deal breaker.

I think that we need a bad ass masculine MAN, an instinctive man, to come out of the woodwork and run things, just somebody that is unconditionally a patriot of this nation, one who is wide open and frank with the people, one who doesn't respond to questions w/ legalese / double speak, one who doesn't have a long extending history of clinging to individuals that would cause chaos to America if they could and finally, a president that would never compromise our armed services under any conditions whatsoever, that kind of President ! :hatsoff:

OK....I'm ready for the ensuing firestorm :flame: :rofl:


I think that we need a bad ass masculine MAN, an instinctive man,
Addition : A president who wouldn't under any circumstances appease the russians by back stabbing established Eastern European allies.... :rolleyes:
It's not gives about equal time to the things people are interested in. We only pay attention when they cover things we believe are unimportant.

MO is not a political figure and there are things some in the general public want to know and discuss about their first ladies....nothings changed.

There are personal stories they tell about the well..Those are stories some people are interested in....I'm not particularly interested in that stuff but I can also count 100 random Americans and not find 1 who is interested in the nuts and bolts of political policy like I am.

It's ludicrous to me that what she is wearing today or not wearing tomorrow is considered "news" but I have also given up on most "main stream" news corp's because they air way to many things about celebrities and 90% of what they show is a joke. Just my :2 cents:

All for ratings what a bunch of :bs:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
A man in a wheelchair, a politician who has not been bought & paid for by special interests and the Easter Bunny are all proceeding down a sidewalk. In the middle of the street there is a $100 bill. Who gets the $100 bill?

The man in the wheelchair... cause the other two don't exist!

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Skid marks for the coyote but not the lawyer? Yeah, I like that one too. :D


Hiliary 2020
Not only she's black but she is a very strong intelligent female, neither Colin Powell or Hillary Clinto comes near to her performance! So why should she not run fro president in the distant 2012?

Don, why did you start the post off with "not only is she black"?
just curious what the reason was.

Why is being black relevent?
I can think of several reasons, and its sad that people of any color
would think that way, for many reasons.
I'm just curious why it is to the OP.

"the sheriff is a near"
Addition : A president who wouldn't under any circumstances appease the russians by back stabbing established Eastern European allies.... :rolleyes:

How much money were the Poles and Czechs going to pay us for that system? I don't want to pay for that missile system, do you? I don't want my tax dollars to go to non-Americans to build and install the thing either...

And I don't want to invade Iran either. If we can save money and have the Russians as allies, that's a *wiser investment* than providing a *free security blanket* to countries that don't need it, and spending another trillion to invade another country in the Middle East.:dunno:
They have to have someone who will be acceptable to "the base". And right now "the base" is largely comprised of " WHITE social conservatives" (Evangelicals, neo-Confederates, rednecks, etc.), and not so much (actual) fiscal conservatives.


I agree with everything you said except the part about Laura Ingraham. I don't really know anything about her other than from her frequent Bill O'Rally pooper-smooching appearances on THE FACTOR:rolleyes:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
OK, yeah... I guess that fix was appropriate. :D

On Ingraham, I don't want to confuse intelligence (I.Q.) with wisdom. She has become increasingly goofy over the years. But say, compared to someone like Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachman, Laura is intelligent (course, Corky from The Wonder Years would do well against those two) - though maybe lacking in wisdom. Sarah and Michelle are lacking in wisdom and intelligence. As I understand it, Laura scored fairly high on the LSAT to get into UVA Law. I doubt Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachman could even spell LSAT. Sarah/Michelle: "It starts with an 'e', right? El SAT?"
Fucking great idea! Blacks got all carried away with obama being elected. I can only imagine how out of control they'll get if we get a black woman in office. Not only another black president, but also the first female president...terrible fucking idea!

Not only she's black but she is a very strong intelligent female, neither Colin Powell or Hillary Clinto comes near to her performance! So why should she not run fro president in the distant 2012?

Why is being black relevent?
I can think of several reasons, and its sad that people of any color
would think that way, for many reasons.
I'm just curious why it is to the OP.

"the sheriff is a near"

Yeah "Legz.." gotta keep them "nears" in their place.:rolleyes:

How much money were the Poles and Czechs going to pay us for that system? I don't want to pay for that missile system, do you? I don't want my tax dollars to go to non-Americans to build and install the thing either...

And I don't want to invade Iran either. If we can save money and have the Russians as allies, that's a *wiser investment* than providing a *free security blanket* to countries that don't need it, and spending another trillion to invade another country in the Middle East.:dunno:

Yep...makes sense to stop that Iranian invasion of the Czech Republic and Poland...:1orglaugh
Nope, sorry ...

I honestly think the only Republican that would gather my vote is Colin Powell, and he's not running.

Of all the Bush's, I like Jeb the most. But the US has already had enough Bush's. ;)

Condie is intelligent, but she's a bitter single woman from what I understand. Doesn't make good Presidential material.
Yep...makes sense to stop that Iranian invasion of the Czech Republic and Poland...:1orglaugh
This is why you are beyond ignorant.

NMD is all about detection early and as close as possible, possibly hitting it in the boost phase, before apogee, than terminal. NMD in Poland and Czech was about protecting the US as much as Europe.

Same goes for deployment in Japan and other locations. NMD is a global system, hence "national," not local, hence "theater" in TMD.

Which is why the "T" became "Terminal" Missile Defense (TMD). It's is the terminal component to a global system, where NMD is the primary. They are complementary.

We already developed NMD. Why not deploy it? Oh, that's right, because it "pisses off the Russians." Yeah, Clinton learned that too, even TMD pissed them off.

And anyone with an ounce of background knew what the Russians were pissed off about was laughable. Like the targets being "too good" that we might field them as well.

And yet people say it "doesn't work"? Hmmm, interesting ... targets they shoot down are "too good," but it "doesn't work." I love that non-sense. ;)
Meh. This reads a lot as tired, old "Star Wars" talk from the 80s. I'm ready to move on from the Arms Races of yesteryear and let countries police themselves and let other countries protect themselves.

Living in peace is a cheap and effective foreign policy. Let's try it!
This is why you are beyond ignorant.

NMD is all about detection early and as close as possible, possibly hitting it in the boost phase, before apogee, than terminal. NMD in Poland and Czech was about protecting the US as much as Europe.

Same goes for deployment in Japan and other locations. NMD is a global system, hence "national," not local, hence "theater" in TMD.

Which is why the "T" became "Terminal" Missile Defense (TMD). It's is the terminal component to a global system, where NMD is the primary. They are complementary.

We already developed NMD. Why not deploy it? Oh, that's right, because it "pisses off the Russians." Yeah, Clinton learned that too, even TMD pissed them off.

And anyone with an ounce of background knew what the Russians were pissed off about was laughable. Like the targets being "too good" that we might field them as well.

And yet people say it "doesn't work"? Hmmm, interesting ... targets they shoot down are "too good," but it "doesn't work." I love that non-sense. ;)

Okay time....We already deploy NMD. Here's a quiz question for your does it work????
Meh. This reads a lot as tired, old "Star Wars" talk from the 80s. I'm ready to move on from the Arms Races of yesteryear and let countries police themselves and let other countries protect themselves.

Living in peace is a cheap and effective foreign policy. Let's try it!

Living in peace is a costly and ineffective foreign policy because terrorists can prepare their attacks kinda like they did during Clinton's presidency and Clinton did nothing to stop them. A strong army and strong defense of your allies is a guarantee that none will attack you and if you are attacked you can backfire more strongly.
Living in peace is a costly and ineffective foreign policy because terrorists can prepare their attacks kinda like they did during Clinton's presidency and Clinton did nothing to stop them. A strong army and strong defense of your allies is a guarantee that none will attack you and if you are attacked you can backfire more strongly.

I'm not sure we can truly lay all blame on Clinton for all Pre-9/11 terrorist attacks on America. That's not only wrong, but unfair.

Whom do we blame for these incidents? Should we give these to Clinton too?
Attacks on Americans 1979-1988

A change in American foreign policy in the Middle East is what's needed. And by CHANGE...I mean less troops, less invasions, and less purchasing of Oil....