Condoleeza Rice for president 2012!


Condoleeza Rice is nice but I prefer A-Roni


Condy and jindal 1012
No uglier than the six foot tall tranny Nobama married.

I'd rather see Colin Powell run.

Wut??? You're just a Obama hater. Michelle is far from ugly. she might not be the best looking woman out there, but she from uglier, than Rice.

Find a photos of Michelle younger days before she married and had 2 kids , she was hot and very beautiful. Rice have always been ugly , with that big ass forehead and huge gap in her teeth.


Not only she's black but she is a very strong intelligent female, neither Colin Powell or Hillary Clinto comes near to her performance! So why should she not run fro president in the distant 2012?

she was briefed about terrorists using planes as missiles in august 2001, and then went on TV after 9/11 claiming that no one could have known about this in advance. instead of getting fired for her incompetence (as national security advisor national security was kind of her job, no?), mr bush, in his incredible wisdom, made her chief diplomat, something the rest of the world is still laughing about.

what do you need most as a diplomat? credibility. most politicians have little of it, but ms rice has none.
She has never subjected herself to the scrutiny that comes with running for office and has made it pretty plain she almost definately never will.I can understand that,it isn't a comfortable easy process.

Also she really does not have a good record to run on.Namreg pointed out what she would be criticized on while she was national security advisor and as sec of state I once heard Donald Trump say about her ( not that I like the Donald,but it sounded fairly correct lol) that she accomplished virtually nothing as sec of state.He said most sec's of state go on trips and then come home with new agreements or some other accomplishment but all Condi ecer seemed to do was get of the plane and wave and thats it.

Personally I think she is a bright woman,but doubt she would run and even doubt more she could get the republican nomination.Being black doesn't help her or hurt her with me but it would with some elements of the republicans,the base particulary.I can just see white republicans vying for the nomination running some of the comments she has made about america being born with a birth defect (slavery) to try to paint her as some sort white hating black who really doesn't love america.Politics is a rough hardball game,maybe she's smart not to subject herself to it.

Will E Worm

Wut??? You're just a Obama hater. Michelle is far from ugly. she might not be the best looking woman out there, but she from uglier, than Rice.

Find a photos of Michelle younger days before she married and had 2 kids , she was hot and very beautiful. Rice have always been ugly , with that big ass forehead and huge gap in her teeth.

and here is yet another reason why this new administration is such a joke. Its a fuckin fashion show? are you kidding me what does Mrs. Obama's dress have anything to do with our country? I can't even explain how much this drives me nuts. Get on to a real topic already...
and here is yet another reason why this new administration is such a joke. Its a fuckin fashion show? are you kidding me what does Mrs. Obama's dress have anything to do with our country? I can't even explain how much this drives me nuts. Get on to a real topic already...

This isn't an Obama precedence. The media has done this since the days of Eleanor Roosevelt on through Jackie Kennedy, Ladybird Johnson, Betty Ford to Nancy Reagan and Michelle Obama...
This isn't an Obama precedence. The media has done this since the days of Eleanor Roosevelt on through Jackie Kennedy, Ladybird Johnson, Betty Ford to Nancy Reagan and Michelle Obama...

Yup still doesn't delineate my point. Media is soo skewed towards things that don't matter. Get it off the air.
Yup still doesn't delineate my point. Media is soo skewed towards things that don't matter. Get it off the air.

It's not gives about equal time to the things people are interested in. We only pay attention when they cover things we believe are unimportant.

MO is not a political figure and there are things some in the general public want to know and discuss about their first ladies....nothings changed.

There are personal stories they tell about the well..Those are stories some people are interested in....I'm not particularly interested in that stuff but I can also count 100 random Americans and not find 1 who is interested in the nuts and bolts of political policy like I am.
Condi pretty much sat on Dubya's lap for hmm...6 years? I think her "foreign expertise" was shown to be very suspect and probably more compatible for the campus of Stanford where she could just throw out hypotheticals, like "Had we actually FOUND WMD in Saddam's lair, would that have changed public opinion for my boss, Dubya?" or "I can see the soul of Vladimir Putin standing from Sarah Palin's front doorstep in Wasilla, AK....and that is, afterall, all that's required to make difficulty foreign policy decisions, agree or disagree?"

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Let me see if I understand this. Condi was the first mate on the U.S.S. FUBAR, that hit an iceberg... multiple times over about 6 years. So someone thinks she'd be a good choice to run as a GOP'er for POTUS... cause she's Black?! Riiiight. Clear as mud. Makes perfect sense.

When I was a kid, I did get bitten by a dog. In fact, I got bitten by a couple of dogs. But I never got bitten by the same dog twice. And I never will. I voted for one neocon sombitch in 2000 - and that'll be the last time I ever vote for one.

In addition to Rice and Bush's many joint fuckups disqualifying her, here's why her campaign would be sooooo entertaining to a neocon/Evangelical hater like me: you'd have a Black woman, who describes herself as "mildly pro-choice" and "kind of libertarian" on abortion, around whom have swirled rumors of lesbianism for years, campaigning to "family values voters", Bible thumpers and neo-Confederates. Yeah, baby! :thefinger

The one group she probably would hold some sway with are her fellow neocons. She's an intellectual nation builder, and could explain the big words the other neocons and Zionists used, so that George W. could understand them. So they probably still love her and owe her a debt of gratitude. But outside of those sellouts... :dunno:

Other than dry ass banging Michelle Bachman until she started speaking in tongues (something about that old slut really does something for me... don't know why!), there's nothing I'd rather do than be in the audience when ol' Condi announced her candidacy in 2012. :rofl:

BTW, this was already talked about back in 2005 or so. It went exactly no where fast.
What you describe about her personal story actually makes her a more attractive candidate, imo. She could easily find a token hubby to marry quickly. I thought she wanted to be NFL Commish at one point.

Do you think she has a pair of C cups hidden under those suits/blouses? If she had a more "up to date" hairstyle, she could actually look pretty attractive. Not joking.