Computer Problem, please help me


bigbadbrody...about your modem problem

Cable Modems need about 15 db to function correctly. In apartments, they use strange ways to provide signal...multiple splitters in the lines, etc.
One splitter leg takes out 7 db on 3 and 4 way splitters, they are marked. On a 3 way there is one 3.5 and this is used for a passthru to feed other splitters. (Do the math, 3.5dbs + 7dbs is 10.5 dbs removed from the line with just the 2nd splitter), In apartments, signal is usually not amped enough to feed apts further down the line.
A local amplifier would fry the modem if it exceeded the dbs it needed by much. Not usually a good idea, and amps boost "noise" as well as signal, not useful.
When a house recieves signal fron one incoming line, the low db leg on the first splitter is dedicated to the modem, tvs get the high loss db legs. Digital cable boxes don't work well with all the signal loss, so your modem, which needs more dbs to work than Digital boxes, is at a disadvantage.
If the modem worked well when you bypassed the splitter to the tv, this indicates you are recieving a low signal, and one more splitter is lowering the db level below the threshold.
The only way to know is to have a tech put a meter on the line to the modem, and see how many dbs are survivng the journey to your modem.
Often, a solution for an apt is to run a line from the main tap for your building to the apt and feed the modem directly, this needs to be done with creativity as most complexes don't allow outside lines, and their cables are run in the walls from one splitter to another.
I worked for Time Warner and Cox running lines, both res and commercial. I have put in many a modem, and these are some of the things that turned my hair grey.
Tech help by phone is useless, an "on site" hands-on tech can solve the mystery if it persists with a meter on the line at the modem.


Retired Mod






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Staff member
When I mentioned I was looking for free and cheap video editor, I meant an easy one. For my comp knowledge that one you suggested is to complicated. I am looking for something similar to windows movie maker.

:sigh: WMM is what started this, ya know. Editing a movie..messing something up..

Its sorta like refusing the BMW and insisting on the Honda.


:sigh: WMM is what started this, ya know. Editing a movie..messing something up..

Its sorta like refusing the BMW and insisting on the Honda.

Are you sure, This is the first time I have had any problem, with WMM, I had and still am having problems with Widows Media Player.



I have another computer problem, that I hope someone is able to help me with.

Awhile ago I downloaded a program called ieSpell to correct my spelling when I post replys in threads. It is in my tools option, and whnever I click on it now it never shows up and I am unable to spell check.

I re-installed the program and nothing changed. What do I need to do?


firefox? why? I have nothing against IE, it's tghe spell checker that I dislike


Thats a good Idea.

But why fix something if it aint broke? IE works pefectly fine for me and I am not in the mood to learn how to use Firefox. I have heard a lot good thigs about it though
IE is quite broken ...

But why fix something if it aint broke?
IE works pefectly fine for me ...
Fine for you, yes.
But IE is quite broken, has been since they put it at the core of Visual Studio (the developer tools for Windows applications).
In essence, every core IE issue is a core Windows issue, and vice-versa.

You're loading additional Freeware, and that's chancy.
Unless iespell is Open Source or certified (independently) "malware free" be wary.
It's best to go with tools right in the browser.

If you find that your add-ons are breaking in IE, it's time to consider Firefox.
It's designs to work with contained add-ons, not full-up programs (with possible malware).
It's not perfect, but it comes with most everything you normally, and optionally, load for IE.


I don't even know what Firefox is, to be honest

Sounds like the name of a Video Game
Fox, go to PCWorld and download Ad-Adware SE Personal and SpyBot Search And Destroy. Both are free and very good at removing spyware.
Hmmm.... Spyware. I've heard of it. I have Norton Antivirus. Can that get rid of it?

Fox, go to PCWorld and download Ad-Adware SE Personal and SpyBot Search And Destroy. Both are free and very good at removing spyware.

dont take my word for it, but from what ive heard that is spyware. do what ymihere said.

i think norton can get rid of some but not all. thats why i only visit trusted site. and for your sake, use firefox, if you arent already.
Firefox does sound like a video game. Will it use up a lot of space? How will it help?

I'm going to download the adware protections now. THANKYOU guys.

firefox uses next to little space depending on how many extensions and add-ons you use. and even those dont take enough space to worry about. firefox is probably 100 times safer than explorer. i have not caught anything yet. where as my first computer i used explorer. its a paperweight now. :1orglaugh
i wish i could help, but ive never used those programs. just heard good things about them. :)

edit: it may not be spyware after all. it might be the ad aware. but, my dad swears by ad aware. he says it is a good thing. i didnt believe him then, and now i believe him even less.