Most of us, I would imagine, view
real lezboism as a bunch of man sized women going at it.
Apparently, this is not so. Now hear me out on this one -
Have you ever heard the question - Are homosexuals born as they are i.e. - In pref of their own sex ?
I would estimate that this is the case for males
I think that femininity in and of itself may be complimentary of bisexuality,
more forgiving, if you will, :dunno:
Why do I see that a disproportional number of beautiful women in Hungary and Czech, for example have so many beautiful lezbos ?
I'd almost appraise that they were
farmed. I mean, what the hell is going on there ? ! Is / was there some type of state run female exclusive orphanage that we don't know about ?
There's a grossly wealthy man from this part of the world who disposes much of his fortunes into engineering people, undermining currencies, undermining governments etc. ad nauseam. A true megalomaniac in every sense of the word. It wouldn't surprise me a bit to find that he has something to do with it lol !
And to the thread starter - I agree with you ! I find it boring and kind of gross myself. They still want our (guys - "males") money though, don't they ?