My reason to pursue a degree: You get laid at college.
I Got laid out of college I didnt need to pay more than 40,000 dollars hookers are cheaper buying a girl a drink is even cheaper than hookers.
I've noticed people who do go to college and get a degree in a certain field tend to work in something entirely different. Not all; but many seem to do that.
Meh, it seems college is just a babysitting place for 18-24 year olds, in general
Yup for the highschoolers who just want to get laid and drunk away from the watchful eyes of mommy and daddy.
But it's not a perception. Assuming a person has a legit degree, they have learned a field of study.
You're confusing learning a field of study for learning job. You don't learn a job in learn a job in the field. Consistently so, in most cases you don't learn a field of study at a learn how to do that job.
It's that way in almost any walk of life.
I wanna know why you go to classes then have to do some internship why cant we just skip the useless class work and coloring books in college for some sort of work program where people learn on the job. I dont understand why I need to pay some dumbass professor who would rather indoctrinate their students with their own stupid beliefs rather than learn on the job.
Ive heard a saying: "those who cant do, teach"
I disagree that college is a waste of time. The problem is that a lot of young people go to college for the wrong reason and don't know what to do when they get there.
More than learning a bunch of facts, college teaches you how to learn, a habit that should last a lifetime.
teach this little phrase to students before they get out of middle school and this problem is solved: "half of knowledge is knowing where to find it"
college and the american hiring system is completly bloated and over done. I went back to school to see if I could do it, last year. I was bored out of my mind. I lasted 4 months. I felt like I was being taught shit I already knew I shouldnt know what Im being taught, Im paying good money for new knowledge. I just read about what I want to and im doing. I love the new job I have I would hate to sit behind a desk for 40 hours a week typing up TPS reports. I feel like im smarter than 90 percent of the guys I work with in my type of work but I like the job and a few dudes arent retards. I have noticed that even college educated assholes are half retarded because they walk around thinking to themselves all day "I have a college degree" and tend to miss major details even minor details Related to their job.
College is not for everyone, if you dont have any Idea what you want to do with your life; go to college. and I leave you with this: Fundamentals are a crutch for those without talent.
Sorry if any of the above is hard to read Im not college educated
