Coca-Cola Super Bowl Ad: Un-American?

Saying Democrats and Liberals are the most racist in the USA right now is not only wrong, it is laughably wrong.

If you go back a hundred years ago, Democrats were not liberals. Republicans were more liberal. Go back over 100 years and I would say, yes, the Democratic party was more racist.

Then things began to change in the 1930's with FDR and on thru JFK and LBJ with Civil Right reform. The parties reversed polarity. Republicans became conservative and Democrats liberals. You also saw the South move from the Democratic Party to the Republican.

Again...however...not really the point of the thread.
If you go back a hundred years ago, Democrats were not liberals. Republicans were more liberal. Go back over 100 years and I would say, yes, the Democratic party was more racist.

Then things began to change in the 1930's with FDR and on thru JFK and LBJ with Civil Right reform. The parties reversed polarity. Republicans became conservative and Democrats liberals. You also saw the South move from the Democratic Party to the Republican.

Again...however...not really the point of the thread.

True, but he wasn't speaking of 100 years ago, he was speaking of now.

And, yeah. I'll let it go now. Not related to the thread OP.
True, but he wasn't speaking of 100 years ago, he was speaking of now.

And, yeah. I'll let it go now. Not related to the thread OP.

Yes, but I think the conversation was getting off target to begin with. I do agree with what you were saying and where you were heading. Hence my tangent.

I do apologize for going off. It was partially me trying to say something between the lines and partially me just bloviating.

The point I try to make below really is directly related to the commercial. America IS all of those things. We (I am American) are all of those languages. Now more than ever. The Toyota I have was made in the USA or at least put together. The Pontiac in Canada and the Saturn in Mexico.

I do happen to think that English being an official language makes sense for gained efficiency. It is meaningless from an "American Ethnic" perspective. To that point though, I am a fan of Teddy Roosevelt's. We aren't Irish-Americans or Chinese -Americans. We are Americans. Some Americans speak Chinese. This doesn't not offend me.

With Budweiser, Miller, Coors, even Blue Point, as well as Jim Beam being foreign owned, (...and the list can go to things like Motorola, Thinkpands, etc too) I'm not sure what IS American anymore.

Is Chrysler? Is Toyota? ... I know this isn't what the thread is really about, but I have to question What IS American.

If you go back a hundred years ago, Democrats were not liberals. Republicans were more liberal. Go back over 100 years and I would say, yes, the Democratic party was more racist.

Then things began to change in the 1930's with FDR and on thru JFK and LBJ with Civil Right reform. The parties reversed polarity. Republicans became conservative and Democrats liberals. You also saw the South move from the Democratic Party to the Republican.

Again...however...not really the point of the thread.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I'm rather surprised that Commander Potato hasn't weighed in about some sort of conspiracy behind this.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Fuck me? Fuck me? Well, that wasn't very nice. Philbert, do you kiss your father with that mouth? Such an angry little man...

We can all see what you said. And just because you think it, that does not make it a fact. It's only your (baseless) opinion.

You can't support your statement. You don't like being challenged on it. So you resort to your typical anger and name-calling.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Rey C. again.



Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
Then start voting for people that want to keep America owned by Americans. Getting pissed about commercials gets zero done. Jobs and industry slowly going overseas......

I tend to type in sarcasm, but I haven't found the font for it yet. I've been pissed so long at the raping of this country by our own that I am jaded and almost accepting. All the red /blue posturing has amounted to a bunch of time lost fixing the problem. Fox, MSNBC, Rush, Savage, and the ilk keep miniscule issues in the fore as a smokescreen for the government and corporations to pillage the middle and lower classes. But, then again, I am tired of pointing this out. I stopped coming to this sight because it became a constant stream of dueling pissers.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I do happen to think that English being an official language makes sense for gained efficiency. It is meaningless from an "American Ethnic" perspective. To that point though, I am a fan of Teddy Roosevelt's. We aren't Irish-Americans or Chinese -Americans. We are Americans. Some Americans speak Chinese. This doesn't not offend me.

Same here. And I would rather hear someone sing this song in a foreign language and mean it, than sing it in English and not mean it.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Living in South Florida back in the 1980s it was interesting to observe the natural evolution of the Cubanos as they adapted to America. The old folks who were the original ones that fled Castro's regime retained not only the Spanish language for common usage in their everyday lives, they also retained the old way of dressing, food, music, customs etc. However, their who were born in the USA and growing up in the MTV generation of the 80s....adopted English as their primary language and were into all the same trends, music, food and fashions as any other teenager in America. They became "Americanized". The same thing has happened with every other ethnicity that has migrated to this country over time.

Unfortunately, the unbridled flood of illegal immigration has relit the torch of xenophobia amongst a good deal of the US citizenry and it is this trait that fuels so much of the reactionary attitude that some have taken toward this video in my opinion.
For the losers that cried on the net about the commercial:

Fishbone - Subliminal Fascism

"People got problems that they can't work out
So their sense cracks
I read the paper and I watch the news
It don't give me the blues

It just gives me the blacks
Starvation on the radio
They don't play the facts
They play the crackerjacks

Subliminal fascism gettin' under your skin
So you better wake up U.S.

Well, the bad gets worse, too fucked up
And the hate grows more each day
So when the infected try to effect you
Don't listen to them when they say

Follow the rules and forget the bomb
Communistical patriotic
The plan is subtle but it's in the open
Kingpins Nazi scheme getting under your skin

So you better wake up U.S.

Subliminal fascism
Subliminal fascism
Fascism, fascism, fascist"

The truth :)


If you go back a hundred years ago, Democrats were not liberals. Republicans were more liberal. Go back over 100 years and I would say, yes, the Democratic party was more racist.

Then things began to change in the 1930's with FDR and on thru JFK and LBJ with Civil Right reform. The parties reversed polarity. Republicans became conservative and Democrats liberals. You also saw the South move from the Democratic Party to the Republican.

Again...however...not really the point of the thread.

The whole Democrat Party was extremely anti-Black, and very matter how often Lickingdick and Ray Ray try to rewrite historical least in their own heads.
The whole prohibition thing was massively supported by the Dems and among many oftheir supporters; like their greatest adherents the Klu Klux Klan, which was 100% Democrat.
See, brewers were immigrants, and the burgeoning liquor industry was giving immigrants power and wealth...and the Dems hated that. As did their political partners the KKK. Hence, a serious attempt at bring a halt to this through Prohibition, etc.
After the fiasco of Prohibition which gave us the Mafia, and gave them Millions and Millions of capital, things were hard for Dems until the Kennedys became the New Hope of the Dems, and things became more reversed.
Deals were made, PR began showing a new face of the Dems, stuff was given out and people began to get marginalized thru Welfare and Affirmative action.
Look how many years and how many laws and programs/giveaways we have put into place over so many years to uplift the Blacks and other minor great is life for Blacks in todays society?
Did Otrama's policies bring fairness, wealth, and a better life to minorities?
Nope...they're still keeping themselves down, and sitting still for anything as long as Food stamps and welfare keep coming.
Harlem wasn't a ghetto in Alabama...Yankees are just as racist as any Mississippi racist, they just have a different accent.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
"This will keep those n1663rs voting democrat for the next 200 years."~ Lyndon Johnson after passing massive giveaway social programs. So yeah, his motives were totally idealistic and not motivated by politics
The whole Democrat Party was extremely anti-Black, and very matter how often Lickingdick and Ray Ray try to rewrite historical least in their own heads.
The whole prohibition thing was massively supported by the Dems and among many oftheir supporters; like their greatest adherents the Klu Klux Klan, which was 100% Democrat.
See, brewers were immigrants, and the burgeoning liquor industry was giving immigrants power and wealth...and the Dems hated that. As did their political partners the KKK. Hence, a serious attempt at bring a halt to this through Prohibition, etc.
After the fiasco of Prohibition which gave us the Mafia, and gave them Millions and Millions of capital, things were hard for Dems until the Kennedys became the New Hope of the Dems, and things became more reversed.
Deals were made, PR began showing a new face of the Dems, stuff was given out and people began to get marginalized thru Welfare and Affirmative action.
Look how many years and how many laws and programs/giveaways we have put into place over so many years to uplift the Blacks and other minor great is life for Blacks in todays society?
Did Otrama's policies bring fairness, wealth, and a better life to minorities?
Nope...they're still keeping themselves down, and sitting still for anything as long as Food stamps and welfare keep coming.
Harlem wasn't a ghetto in Alabama...Yankees are just as racist as any Mississippi racist, they just have a different accent.

Ha ha, you are a trip living ion the past.

"This will keep those n1663rs voting democrat for the next 200 years."~ Lyndon Johnson after passing massive giveaway social programs. So yeah, his motives were totally idealistic and not motivated by politics

Real clever redneck!

Keeping getting pissed but the President for now on will be a minority or a women in the great USA :)

Rednecks will win mid terms with the TEA party because N1663s don't vote in those ;)

Young Jezzy- My President is Black :)

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Not since Michele Bachmann stood on the House floor and waxed eloquently (meaning, ignorantly) about the Hoot-Smalley Act (known to people who at least graduated from high school as Smoot-Hawley) and how FDR was the one who signed it into law (when in fact, he was the one who signed it out of law), have I seen such complete and utter nonsense from one individual.

Let's take just one nugget of fantasy from the Philbert's foolish & "fact filled" diatribe:
The whole prohibition thing was massively supported by the Dems...

In point of fact (something that is apparently lost on people below a certain IQ), the Volstead Act was sponsored by Andrew Volstead (a Republican from Minnesota) and authored by Wayne Wheeler of the Anti-Saloon League (also a firm Republican). President Woodrow Wilson (a Democrat) vetoed the Volstead bill and his veto was overridden by the Republican controlled House. Republicans controlled the House of Representatives from 1917 thru 1933. The proposed 18th Amendment was supported in roughly equal numbers by both parties in the House: 69% of Democrats and 68% of Republicans. It was mostly southern Democrats, who were not well aligned with Wilson, who supported it the most. Who supported this naive and foolish law included (but not only) social conservatives, evangelicals, feminists and various other social engineers, whatever party one wants to claim they belonged to. Democrats and Republicans. Basically, it was the same crowd that is working to ruin our country up to this day!

...and among many their greatest adherents the Klu Klux Klan, which was 100% Democrat.

People who have actually cracked open an American History book at some point in their lives know that this ranks in the Top 10 of incorrect and stupid statements made by this poster (an amazing feat... even for him). The two major political parties in existence in the United States now share very little in common, philosophically and/or ideologically, with the parties, by the same names, that existed 50, 75 and (certainly) 150+ years ago. Only a complete moron would suggest otherwise The Ku Klux Klan was about race and culture, not about political parties. Although in the south, being a Republican immediately after the Civil War was all but illegal. It's really only been in the last 50 years or so that White conservatives felt the need to move from the party of Jefferson Davis (Democrat Party) to Lincoln's party (Republican) - and have pretty much now made it their own. The KKK was born in Pulaski, TN (there is an odd reason why I know this). And yes, its founder was a Democrat. In the south, every voting age White man who believed in the Confederacy was a Democrat. But since Philbert brought up the era of the 1920's, I will mention one simple fact to blow his claim, that the Klan was 100% Democrat, completely out of the water: Warren G. Harding (a Republican the last time I checked) was sworn into the 2nd Ku Klux Klan in the White House. Clarence Morley, Republican governor of Colorado, was a public member and supporter of the KKK. Edward L. Jackson, Republican governor of Indiana, was also a member of the Klan. Around that time, it's estimated that 1 in 8 (White) Americans was a member of the Ku Klux Klan... and it had not a thing to do with which political party a person was aligned with!

Now, I apologize to Jagger for taking his thread off-topic once again. But there are certain things that are just so completely stupid that I can't stop myself from responding. But as we can see from so much of what is posted by Philbert that the old saying is true: better to remain silent and have people *think* that you are a fool, than open your mouth and give (firm) confirmation.

Thanks for the confirmation, Mr. Philbert. We all appreciate it. But you should have probably quit while you were just a little bit behind. Have a pleasant afternoon. :hatsoff:
The whole Democrat Party was extremely anti-Black, and very matter how often Lickingdick and Ray Ray try to rewrite historical least in their own heads.
The whole prohibition thing was massively supported by the Dems and among many oftheir supporters; like their greatest adherents the Klu Klux Klan, which was 100% Democrat.
See, brewers were immigrants, and the burgeoning liquor industry was giving immigrants power and wealth...and the Dems hated that. As did their political partners the KKK. Hence, a serious attempt at bring a halt to this through Prohibition, etc.
After the fiasco of Prohibition which gave us the Mafia, and gave them Millions and Millions of capital, things were hard for Dems until the Kennedys became the New Hope of the Dems, and things became more reversed.
Deals were made, PR began showing a new face of the Dems, stuff was given out and people began to get marginalized thru Welfare and Affirmative action.
Look how many years and how many laws and programs/giveaways we have put into place over so many years to uplift the Blacks and other minor great is life for Blacks in todays society?
Did Otrama's policies bring fairness, wealth, and a better life to minorities?
Nope...they're still keeping themselves down, and sitting still for anything as long as Food stamps and welfare keep coming.
Harlem wasn't a ghetto in Alabama...Yankees are just as racist as any Mississippi racist, they just have a different accent.

I have no use for the Yankees.

I'm a Mets fan.