Civilians died in Afghanistan strike

Will E Worm

An operation the American military at first described as a "precision strike" instead killed 13 Afghan civilians and only three militants, the U.S. said Saturday, three days after sending a general to the site to investigate.


"First described as a "precision strike."

True description, intentional strike. :yinyang:


What point are you making?

Do you really claim the US shoots a missile up in the air and waits to see where it lands?
Or that they seek out civilians and gleefully smoke mamas and babies, sometimes accidentally killing a few fighters?
I am weary of your (and others) continuous body count of "civilians". but only those attributed to the US military.
How many killed were civilians, by the last homicide bomb in Pakistan? Answer...all of them.
I haven't seen your tally of those losses, where is it?


what the fuck you lookin at?
civilians will always die in times of war. Its called collateral damage. Who cares :dunno:

The only time civilians died as a result of US attacks that I don't really approve was Nagasaki and Hiroshima. That was just plain bullshit and completely uncalled for!
So you want to listen to a drug-dealer... he even opens with that line... I'm not going to judge you or even start a he-said she-said with you, but I will say this, agree to disagree...

If you want fact, ask a vet, or someone who's in... I doubt they'd say they agree with this guy, sounds like a classic fobbit (some one who stays in the FOB, and never goes outside the wire). I've had people in my sights and didn't fire because others were in the way, and a lot of other "grunts" will agree with me.

Oh, and yeah... for Army Cadence... well dude words are just words, not everyone is an Airborne Ranger, but i hear about jumping out of a C-130 daily.. so does that mean I'm airborne qualified now?

Like I said above, this is a agree-to-disagree post, I know you got more anti-war links... so quote, and chop away... doubt you'll get a response back from me.