Killer B

I Like Big Tits! (song by Joe Walsh)
So, why are you posting in her thread?

Oh wait, that's right...... you're a cunt.

you are one too fool

I used this was going to happen, This dude was kicked out of the UFC and now lame Bellator. I hope he get his as kicked by an black MMA fighter. BTW this is my favorite video that he lost to get his ass beaten


Neg rep. That's a first, and hilarious. And in said rep comment you have the cheek to call me loser.

(1) You're a cunt.
(2) You're pathetic, if you think neg rep means anything to me. You could neg rep my posts for the rest of time, I wouldn't care. You're also pathetic for trolling threads of girls that have plenty of fans. Why can't you fuck off and post in threads for girls you LIKE and SUPPORT? Oh yeah - see (1).
(3) You're a liar :

No for real what I'm saying that I'm done taking about racism on anything

(4) You're a racist. You hoped in that same thread that the HIV-infected talent was white.
(5) You're also a hypocrite, by virtue of the above, and how you criticize anybody that pulls you up on it, calling them "an racist" even though 90% of the time, I bet you don't even know what colour the poster is that's criticizing you. Black or white, a cunt is still a cunt.
(6) You're a child. You say you're done with an argument, then march straight back in when somebody responds.
(7) You're a cunt.

Have a LOVELY Christmas.

P.S. You'll notice how it's "a" not "an" when the noun starts with a consonant? Please, try to work on that.
Glad that Kangey Linn Karter is coming back, the best comeback since Michael Jordan

Good because she wasn't that hot, and she was an racist and her racist boyfriend too. Don't let the door hit you

She's a racist? Darn. That's never good to hear.


Staff member
Ok a little reminder, if you don't like a model then don't post in her thread and don't take the opportunity to bash her. There are plenty models to look at and to chose, thanks for your understanding