Christine Mendoza

Full nudity yet or still the teasing hand panties and/or strategically angled no lovely lady parts shots?

Nope, still no money shot on Christine's coochie in the zipsets or webcams. I know this opinion will sadden Delta, but I really don't think she will ever give us the "full monty". I really think she's gone as far as she wants to go with the nudity. I hope I am wrong, but just my gut feeling...:crying:
Nope, still no money shot on Christine's coochie in the zipsets or webcams. I know this opinion will sadden Delta, but I really don't think she will ever give us the "full monty". I really think she's gone as far as she wants to go with the nudity. I hope I am wrong, but just my gut feeling...:crying:

Yup. Lip slips are the new nip slips. Anyone whose willing to plunk down for a cam show has a better than average chance of seeing her coochie these days, though only for a split second or two. Its a fucked up value, but I've done it anyway.

But I don't think you're gonna give her a gyno exam anywhere but Hawaii...


Closed Account
Wow, she must have gotten pissed at last nights chat. Here is what she tweeted before removing them:

-luv ALL my fans but pls try not 2 pry on my personal life 2much. I understand that im a naked-dancing-internet-girl, lets leave it@ that. lol

-bn "online modeling"10 yrs now.pretty much grew up& thru my stages on the internet.i gain/lose weight,go thru breakups, matured7thru stages

-if UR life was documented thru pix on internet 4 a decade-what wud it say abt YOU? iv been askd abt my relationships, family, etc& its weird

-so pls refrain 4rm askn weird ?s then harass cz im not open2 answerin them. im entitled to my own life. just look @ my tits :) lol gnyt hehe

-ive bn askd the most uncomfy, prying ?s &im open to them cuz i put myself out there but dont get mad if i dont wana answer gross ones lol

After that she tweets this, fucking straight to advertising after that meltdown.

-on anothr note-iLUV LiL boobs&big butts,perky lil 1s r so cute,like my gf @Bella_Cupcake lol &im chattin w her this FRI on @GlamCamLive haay!

-big tits r overratd. i gota lug these huge mammaries evrywhr i go. lol, ladies:dont need 2 change ur boobies cuz lil 1s r perfect #justsayin

Geez, I don't know if she was drunk, high or both, but I'm pretty sure she pissed some fans off. Talk about attitude.
Wow, she must have gotten pissed at last nights chat. Here is what she tweeted before removing them:

-luv ALL my fans but pls try not 2 pry on my personal life 2much. I understand that im a naked-dancing-internet-girl, lets leave it@ that. lol

-bn "online modeling"10 yrs now.pretty much grew up& thru my stages on the internet.i gain/lose weight,go thru breakups, matured7thru stages

-if UR life was documented thru pix on internet 4 a decade-what wud it say abt YOU? iv been askd abt my relationships, family, etc& its weird

-so pls refrain 4rm askn weird ?s then harass cz im not open2 answerin them. im entitled to my own life. just look @ my tits :) lol gnyt hehe

-ive bn askd the most uncomfy, prying ?s &im open to them cuz i put myself out there but dont get mad if i dont wana answer gross ones lol

After that she tweets this, fucking straight to advertising after that meltdown.

-on anothr note-iLUV LiL boobs&big butts,perky lil 1s r so cute,like my gf @Bella_Cupcake lol &im chattin w her this FRI on @GlamCamLive haay!

-big tits r overratd. i gota lug these huge mammaries evrywhr i go. lol, ladies:dont need 2 change ur boobies cuz lil 1s r perfect #justsayin

Geez, I don't know if she was drunk, high or both, but I'm pretty sure she pissed some fans off. Talk about attitude.
her rant was not that bad. she was probably really mad but just kept it to herself.
peeps are TOO critical...they speak as if they know her. She's a model...let her be just that. You think just cause you may have met her at a carshow or wherever that she's gonna remember you? Smdh if you said "yes" to that question. It's the critical ones that are gonna make her retire...just enjoy the show and stop bein nosy.
Well said "aClassic3". Coming from you, someone that's pissed her off and made up with her (lucky-getting to chat with her). Well Said. You know of what you speak. She may say stuff from time to time, but damn it, she has every right to.

I've seen dudes, in the past on her site during cam-chats, be total dicks to her--talking trash--and she's been as sweet as can be to them. When you know all she wanted to do was bitch them out..with every right to do it.

No matter how many times ppl can say it, "let her have her privacy and enjoy the little time we as fans get with her". There's always going to be ignorant ppl fucking it up for us fans out there. In the end, all of us will sorely miss her when she's gone.
Wow, she must have gotten pissed at last nights chat. Here is what she tweeted before removing them:

-luv ALL my fans but pls try not 2 pry on my personal life 2much. I understand that im a naked-dancing-internet-girl, lets leave it@ that. lol

-bn "online modeling"10 yrs now.pretty much grew up& thru my stages on the internet.i gain/lose weight,go thru breakups, matured7thru stages

-if UR life was documented thru pix on internet 4 a decade-what wud it say abt YOU? iv been askd abt my relationships, family, etc& its weird

-so pls refrain 4rm askn weird ?s then harass cz im not open2 answerin them. im entitled to my own life. just look @ my tits :) lol gnyt hehe

-ive bn askd the most uncomfy, prying ?s &im open to them cuz i put myself out there but dont get mad if i dont wana answer gross ones lol

After that she tweets this, fucking straight to advertising after that meltdown.

-on anothr note-iLUV LiL boobs&big butts,perky lil 1s r so cute,like my gf @Bella_Cupcake lol &im chattin w her this FRI on @GlamCamLive haay!

-big tits r overratd. i gota lug these huge mammaries evrywhr i go. lol, ladies:dont need 2 change ur boobies cuz lil 1s r perfect #justsayin

Geez, I don't know if she was drunk, high or both, but I'm pretty sure she pissed some fans off. Talk about attitude.

LMAO the so called rant wasnt even that bad. ive seen 98% of models say worse things all the time, almost every day on their twitter. CM probably has bitched about 6 times in the last 10 years of me following her.
shes always classy with her rants too. she has every right. some of you guys get too critical. LIKE YOU Grim0.

You make it a big deal talking about how she as "attitude" when she clearly is being cordial about it. no cursing, nothing politically incorrect or offensive to anyone

And she removes the tweets because she probably does not like to be upset. she always talks about positive energy and your post here proves that with her keeping those tweets up, brings negative energy like how you JUST posted about her here.

some people need to get off her back and just appreciate her beauty/sexuality. shes not running for president. shes not your mother. shes not your daughter. shes a MODEL. let her enjoy her work so we may all enjoy her work. the more bitching and critical you guys are about her every move and every inch is annoying. im surprised she still deals with it so NICELY.

as she mentioned, most people who have dealt with 10years of constant emotional abuse from her own fans- would probably be crazy or a depressed negative person like most actors/models in the industry are. CM has always been so happy positive and a good person ALL THESE YEARS after being treated wrong by her own so called fans.

and Grim0- if she pissed some fans off by that, GOOD..they should fuck off and harass someone else for Breathing and saying Please. LOL. theyre the ones ruining it for fans like me and others who appreciate her and not get mad when she CORDIALLY asks to PLEASE stop harassing her. she was nice about it so how was that a "meltdown"? she says PLEASE for gooddness sake and tries to JOKE around about it. Meltdown, lol?

go CM, dont let assholes tear you away from your REAL fans.
yeah I've def been on her bad side and as I said before...she got me blocked from angelsnbabes still till this day.

Yes she personally reached out to me about what I did and what not...but I'm not gonna sit here and expect her to remember me lol.

she'll be missed when she retires, but I hope she never retires due to the rudeness of some cats.
Like others have said - Too much blah, blah, blah in this lately.. updates on shows/content are cool, but all this other stuff is pointless, especially the consistent defending of the model from the fanboys. Seriously, who gives two shits what others have to say about her, just ignore it ffs!! (You guys are just as bad as the people who criticize her !!!!!) and focus and posting content otherwise shut it! This thread is fucking ridiculous.
So after missing August & September member chats, I finally get to watch it for this month. All of a sudden my entire neighborhood has a power outrage right when she goes bottomless. Last I saw was her hand covering the crotch. I log in from my phone, but when I click on the webcam link it goes to the gcl site. Don't know what happened. Totally darkness.
That's classic. It is a pretty standard bottomless show these days from what I can tell. Nothing full on, but enough to keep you coming back. She's got a system :)

The photos for that shoot aren't on the site yet, based on They were very slow at posting updates, but they seem to have picked up recently. Hopefully we'll see more of Christine soon. Those sets are 3-5 years old. I remember seeing some TGP sets about two years ago dating back as far as 2007, and that one dated to 2009.

- Exotic Erotic Ball(3 sets),
- Import Car Model and Go Go Dancer

- Five Asian Diva Girls Bikini Pool Party,
- Pole Dance Class(2 sets) (video was available on the site at the time, but no photos)

- Exotic Erotic Ball(3 sets)
- Interview(photos only in the TGP set, but the video is available now)

Pole Dance Class featured Bad Aby, April Syrup, Lynzie Love and Serina and three other girls I can't identify on the site.
Five Asian Diva Girls Bikini Pool Party featured Bad Aby, Jenny Chu, Lynzie Love & two other girls.

So after missing August & September member chats, I finally get to watch it for this month. All of a sudden my entire neighborhood has a power outrage right when she goes bottomless. Last I saw was her hand covering the crotch. I log in from my phone, but when I click on the webcam link it goes to the gcl site. Don't know what happened. Totally darkness.

It was on last night? Her blog post for 18 October says 'woohooo! Members Chat tomorrow @ 9pm!', which is tonight. Just checked again, and see that it says 18th further up the page. Aargh! Missed it again. :(