Christine Mendoza

If she is going to quit by October has she said for her fans she will show "the full monty" I hope she goes out with a bang. Why is she quitting?? Is she getting married??
im sure shes done well over 50 glamcam appearances...with at least 5 people going vip each time. theres probly about 10 solid ones out there if you search. i dont imagine the ration getting any better any time soon. cm collectors have always been pretty stingy
Anyways, too am waiting for someone (& there usually is) to be generous & show us the "one show" where she does the "full monty" with the beaver shot. Please make xmas come early this year. But all in truth, does anyone out there actually have that certain show, please let me know private or here does not matter. I thank all of the people who have shared with us the CM shows.
Everyone should check out Christine's FB or Twitter page, she had posted several videos of her trip to the Philippines as part of her Project Mendoza. It pretty cool that she gives back in anyway that she can.
I think that her giving back is really cool & shows alot about her character. Hopefully she will show us more of herself with a beaver shot LOL All kidding aside FB stuff is ok


Closed Account
I thought this thread went dark. Turns out my notification turned off. Also, CM doesn't share FB updates with non-friends, so there's no point in following her page. She should have made a public model page, but whatever. I haven't cared much. I'm exploring other aspects of life that actually matter. Sure CM's still awesome, but I'm not obsessive and she doesn't take up that much of my daily time, if at all anymore. Full Monty or not, I could care less. People just want what they can't get. You have a hot implied model, everyone screams for tits, topless model=vag, solo/lesbian=hardcore and so on. No one can be happy with what the model chooses to offer. Everyone expects and feels entitled to more. If i can just get a topless autograph of her, I'm happy. If not, doesn't matter much, I already have regular autographs that she signed in-person, a picture with her and met her a few times, I'm content. Till then, lads. I'm out.


Closed Account
Yeah ill wait for a pvt lap dance b4 i fork over 100/hr to watch a digital image of cm smh.

Is there a thumbs up emoticon? I completely agree. A private lap dance from CM will be so memorable and worth it, but why spend so much to watch her shake her ass for a few minutes on cam? I'd rather just watch porn, get my relief, then go on to something more productive.
Yeah, but do you pay $10/min to watch her vip cam shows personally as opposed to looking up leaks?

I personally don't have the money :p I love Christine Mendoza but I had over $3000 out of debts because of teenager's mistakes ^^ and I just recently repaid them all :3 (yayy!! XD) but I'm trying to finish my studies, while trying to buy a new bed because mine is 17 years old and he's killing my back loll so I really can't afford Christine shows right now > > I'm so poor I often feel like a neighbour of the Trailer Park Boys :p XDD That's why I'm here ^^