Christianity... Is It Worth Putting Up With For A Girl?

What are you talking about dude? That made no sense. If you were goin for funny I missed that too. If you got a question just ask. I'm no fuckin bible thumper I don't believe a word in it. All I'm sayin is we are not the best there is and it should be obvious but most people can't see past their own selfish wants. Not needs, wants. They just don't care about anything but themselves. And no one can change my mind about that.

Try looking up Buddhism they have some interesting ideas that don't involve an absolute creator God but rather concentrate on spiritual philosophy, it's an alternative to full blown Atheism anyway.


Hiliary 2020
Man there hasn't been so much bad advice given since they told Custer that those Indians were freindly.

The guys got nothing to lose by spending some time with her and seeing what happens.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Try looking up Buddhism they have some interesting ideas that don't involve an absolute creator God but rather concentrate on spiritual philosophy, it's an alternative to full blown Atheism anyway.

Thanks Ulysses, but I'm not an atheists. I'm a Christian. I just don't put a lot of stock in a book written by men. All I was doing was voicing my opinion and I got jumped because someone read it and didn't understand. Which proved the point I was trying to make, that a lot of people are ignorant and do & say things without caring about anyone else as long as they get some enjoyment out of it. You've seen me on other threads, I'm just here to have some fun. And before anyone says anything, I'm as guilty as the next guy when it comes to getting some kicks at someone else's expense. I should have just kept my mouth shut.
Thanks Ulysses, but I'm not an atheists. I'm a Christian. I just don't put a lot of stock in a book written by men. All I was doing was voicing my opinion and I got jumped because someone read it and didn't understand. Which proved the point I was trying to make, that a lot of people are ignorant and do & say things without caring about anyone else as long as they get some enjoyment out of it. You've seen me on other threads, I'm just here to have some fun. And before anyone says anything, I'm as guilty as the next guy when it comes to getting some kicks at someone else's expense. I should have just kept my mouth shut.

The problem with religious books is that they were written a look time ago and various translations could have corrupted what they say over the years. There is also parts that were written based on 2nd hand eyewitness accounts, things may have been misintepreted (thunderstorm = god striking from the heavens etc) and then there could simply be blatant lies. You have to have a lot of faith to accept everything in the religious texts as fact, but often as free thinking individuals we need more than that, something we can see in front of our own eyes to put things into context. Sadly that seems less and less likely to happen. :dunno:

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
The problem with religious books is that they were written a look time ago and various translations could have corrupted what they say over the years. There is also parts that were written based on 2nd hand eyewitness accounts, things may have been misintepreted (thunderstorm = god striking from the heavens etc) and then there could simply be blatant lies. You have to have a lot of faith to accept everything in the religious texts as fact, but often as free thinking individuals we need more than that, something we can see in front of our own eyes to put things into context. Sadly that seems less and less likely to happen. :dunno:

The trick for me is combining what I know with what can't be explained and the conclusion I come to is it must be a power, that I choose to call God.
Just something that happened due to a rare mix of chemicals.

So the act of breathing was created because of a rare mix of chemicals, the human brain was created by a rare mix of chemicals, and the ability to sexually reproduce was created by a rare mix of chemicals? Was the universe created with a rare mix of chemicals too? That's quite a bit of rarity without some sort of force in control of it all.

Just sayin'
Though I usually cringe when people put there personal lives on here, I'm gonna reach in a little and ask some advice.
Long story short, been in love with a girl (bosses daughter! *gulp!*) for a loooong time, we've been friends, I finally broke it down to her today and she seemed a little interested.
Only bomb she dropped was that she was into Christianity (which I knew) and that she needed a man who was into the same things as her and wanted to get right with god first before getting back into a relationship (shes divorced 2 years).

I've heard horror stories about dealing with Christians and that it was usually THEIR way or no way...I've been in love with this chick for years and I've made up my mind to do whatever it takes........I'm about as holy as Swiss Cheese and go to church for weddings and funerals only!

I'd ask Will E. but hes not available lately!

Depends what you're wanting out of it but toleration isn't the best thing to start a relationship with; especially when what you're tolerating is a religion:2 cents:.
Beyond the obviously questionable act of deceiving a woman to score tail, you have indicated she is essentially a born again. Run. Dating a born again is a little like playing Russian Roulette -- not all of them are dangerous, but a large enough portion of them are disguising some really fucked up baggage to the extent that it's just not worth getting involved with them.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
If you have to force yourself into believing something or trying to act like feeling it, you are heading into a troubled relationship, because, as you said, you are more like a free spirit (often called Satanist, like Alistair Crowley, I would compare you, if that is okay)

Or just a non-believer, maybe even, god forbid (pun fully intended) - a nihilist ;)

Do not fake emotions, do not fake beliefs.

Be real, be yourself. If she loves you, she will be fine with you having your own state of mind.

If not, she does not love you.