Christianity... Is It Worth Putting Up With For A Girl?

If you have to change yourself to be with someone it almost always ends in a huge angry mess. If you really care about her talk to her about exactly where you stand. Then let her decide.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Not worth it one bit trying to change or beliefs or way of life for a piece of ass, no matter how good it is.
You heard Alisa. Let her decide if she can put up with you and your immoral ways or not.


Official Checked Star Member
Don't do it. Seriously. You're not a Christian, don't belief the things she does and will probably find it mentally compromising to follow a faith your heart isn't in. Not only that, you'd be leading her on. If you can make it clear to her that you're not into the religion aspect of it, but can follow a life that she can be proud of (ie. not being immoral, not doing things that disagree with her faith) then it could be possible that you guys can co habitate and be happy together. As long as you don't try to change her, and she doesn't try to change you and neither of you feel disrespected...but its in my experience (and I grew up in the Christian faith, left the church at 18, so I know how they run) that Christians, especially the born again ones, make it their life mission to "save" those around them. I don't have a relationship with my family because of this. So...if you try and make a go of it, be forewarned, if you guys end up getting married, be prepared for a life full of nagging about it.
Wise words Spexy, wise words.


Hiliary 2020
Personally, I wouldn't be able to go there if she's an evangelical. It's a cult as far as I am concerned. Unless you are willing to brainwash yourself to concur with the Christian dogma, pass her by would be my advice. And don't try to fake won't work. I could never have a serious relationship with anyone for whom Christianity was the driving force in their life.

Just my :2 cents:. Good luck.

yeah, thats good advice.
It depends how religious she is.
for example if she brings up our lord and savior jesus christ too much, well thats just too much.
But, youre jumping the gun a bit here.
Don't worry about it at this point, spend some time with her, go out, hang out, do some things......and soon you'll be able to answer your question better than anyone here can.

Praise Jesus!
I just think if you have to question the relationship in that context, then it's probably not a good match. You're just going to go over it over and over again. It's not worth it, man, save yourself the unnecessary trouble.


Hiliary 2020
you guys are thinking too much again.
like i said, take her out, do some shit together........
see what the fuck happens,
thats all.
It doesn't have to be like " Mary-Lou, i come a courtin, will you be my girlfriend?"

trust me, i know these things.
I've been bit and i've been tossed around by every she rat in this town
I'm Catholic, but I don't think I would want to date an evangelical. You wanna know why? Because I make fun of evangelicals all the time.
So, you don't really believe much of what is said in the bible, but since a girl asks you to & since you like her (at the moment. This feeling may pass) you're going to fake it & say you believe everything that's said in the bible & go to church every sunday, even though you'll probably fall asleep half way through the ceremony?

I'm sorry to say this, but if that's what she asks of you, then:

A. It's not a very good basis for a relationship

B. She doesn't love you, but the guy she believes she can shape you into...
What a ridonkulous question. Of course it's worth "putting up" with. The best girls are Christians.

This one's a born-again Christian. Whole different ballgame.
A very exclusive club with completely inflexible "rules". If she's earnest in her faith, and he isn't able or willing to "accept Jesus Christ as his personal savior" (a conversion experience that can't be faked), there's no possible way this relationship will fly.
This one's a born-again Christian. Whole different ballgame.
A very exclusive club with completely inflexible "rules". If she's earnest in her faith, and he isn't able or willing to "accept Jesus Christ as his personal savior" (a conversion experience that can't be faked), there's no possible way this relationship will fly.

Yes. If she's a "born again" type, you're probably right bodie. As some of the others have said, the best thing to do is tell her from the start where you stand and if she can't take it, it's better to find out now.
No seriously, Alex leave the girl alone, if she's born again it's not gonna work out. She's gonna try to "save you" definitely, or she won't feel like a Christian at all. True Story.

Forget about, plenty of other sinful fish out there in the sea.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Though I usually cringe when people put there personal lives on here, I'm gonna reach in a little and ask some advice.
Long story short, been in love with a girl (bosses daughter! *gulp!*) for a loooong time, we've been friends, I finally broke it down to her today and she seemed a little interested.
Only bomb she dropped was that she was into Christianity (which I knew) and that she needed a man who was into the same things as her and wanted to get right with god first before getting back into a relationship (shes divorced 2 years).

I've heard horror stories about dealing with Christians and that it was usually THEIR way or no way...I've been in love with this chick for years and I've made up my mind to do whatever it takes........I'm about as holy as Swiss Cheese and go to church for weddings and funerals only!

I'd ask Will E. but hes not available lately!

don't do it.


Hiliary 2020
Yes. If she's a "born again" type, you're probably right bodie. As some of the others have said, the best thing to do is tell her from the start where you stand and if she can't take it, it's better to find out now.

no, its better to just hang out with her and see what happens.
none of this "tell her up front" shit

Men don't do that.
They take a girl out a few times , see how it goes, and thats that.

Also, most women don't want a sensitive type, they don't even want a smart guy and they don't want a guy acting all serious right away.
They want a guy that lives for the moment and shows them a good time.
Thats what makes them happy and thats how you snag them.

example, I'm going out with a girl tonight.I'm gonna get her, were gonna eat, maybe drink a little, laugh, talk maybe dance or just listen to music.... blah blah blah.
The last thing I'm gonna do is start talking about rules and regulations about if and when were novios.
Doing that will only freak her out and and I'll surely be going home alone, and probably never hear from her again.
Keep it light.


Postal Paranoiac
Look at Amy Grant. She used to be a Christian until marital infidelity condemned her to the ninth level of Hell.:Flame:
Though I usually cringe when people put there personal lives on here, I'm gonna reach in a little and ask some advice.
Long story short, been in love with a girl (bosses daughter! *gulp!*) for a loooong time, we've been friends, I finally broke it down to her today and she seemed a little interested.
Only bomb she dropped was that she was into Christianity (which I knew) and that she needed a man who was into the same things as her and wanted to get right with god first before getting back into a relationship (shes divorced 2 years).

I've heard horror stories about dealing with Christians and that it was usually THEIR way or no way...I've been in love with this chick for years and I've made up my mind to do whatever it takes........I'm about as holy as Swiss Cheese and go to church for weddings and funerals only!

I'd ask Will E. but hes not available lately!

Think about it. If Christianity is more important to her than, well anything really, then how much fun could she really be?
no, its better to just hang out with her and see what happens.
none of this "tell her up front" shit

Men don't do that.
They take a girl out a few times , see how it goes, and thats that.

Also, most women don't want a sensitive type, they don't even want a smart guy and they don't want a guy acting all serious right away.
They want a guy that lives for the moment and shows them a good time.
Thats what makes them happy and thats how you snag them.

example, I'm going out with a girl tonight.I'm gonna get her, were gonna eat, maybe drink a little, laugh, talk maybe dance or just listen to music.... blah blah blah.
The last thing I'm gonna do is start talking about rules and regulations about if and when were novios.
Doing that will only freak her out and and I'll surely be going home alone, and probably never hear from her again.
Keep it light.

Thanks for the advice. I'm sure I'll have better luck myself now that I know how "men" do it.

You say almost all women don't want a "sensitive" type of guy. What about honesty? Last time I heard, they all appreciated honesty and most of them aren't really into game playing. Then again, what do I know? :rolleyes: