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A lot of religious people have nobody to blame but themselves for this. They set a poor example with their conduct, and then wonder why people don't want to be like them. Maybe if more of them were much more loving and compassionate to fellow people as their religion actually dictates instead of hateful, manipulative, and controlling others would want to emulate them more and hold them in better esteem. When so many religious people treat others like dirt and that is what their religion gets associated with is it any wonder people would turn away from them?
The thing is that what religion actually dictates IS the hate, manipulation and control through fear. It's about a god that basically says "love and worship me, or else!". One moment scripture says "if someone slaps your cheek, offer the other cheek", but next moment it's "I will strike down every firstborn of Egypt, I AM THE LORD!". But every time people will come up with an argument or excuse: but that's the old testament, but it's a metaphore, but you need to read it like this, but it's out of context... and shut their eyes and ears: "My religion preaches peace and love!" No it's not. If religion would be about peace and love, religious extremists like ISIS would be the most loving people on earth.