Re: Good ...
While Rush hasn't said anything overtly racist, a lot of his stuff has had racial overtones throughout the years, like the McNabb incident, which wasn't just not politically correct, it was far from being factually correct either, all the way to recently where he pretty much said the reason Colin Powel endorsed Obama wasn't because he saw him as more qualified but because they were both black. As an objective observer I find it very VERY hard to see Rush as having no racial biased.
Especially when the Democrats start having to explain how healthcare got so bad because of HMOs, restrictions on how you can get private coverage, etc..., how the institution of funding and mandating unions actually reduced choices and freedoms for workers and destroyed their employers, etc...
It's those arguments I want to get to, instead of the stupid ones that the Republicans keep making.
I hate to brake this to you but for most people that live in the real world and don't make six figures (or at least 50K+) either their health care is already really bad now, baring if they have state or federal job or maybe work in a good unionized place (highly ironic considering your point of view)...or they have none at all. Considering reasonable health care should be a human right and not treated as a normal business having the government covering everybody as adequately as reasonable is tremendously more important than small innovations that continually escalate in price, have diminishing returns, where less people can afford them even if they come about, and something that runs up the price for the entire system in the name of profit where it will reach the point sustainability can‘t be maintained.
As far as unions go, while they are not without fault, corruption can seep into any system run by people, it's also been obvious they make things better for workers and are better than their complete absence. None of those people I just mentioned (barring having capitalistic brainwashing all their life) really care or actually believe for a second it will reduce "choices and freedoms" for the vast majority everyday people in any tangible real world sense. They also don't believe it will destroy decent employers nearly as much as capitalistic free trade has. I guess if your one of the lucky ones that have it made or are already wealthy, are at the very top of your field, believe in a Darwinistic economic society, can thrive in a cut throat world at the expense of the people around you who will get hurt, or just have plain dumb ass luck on your side then it's bad for you. Everybody else just rolls their eyes at your way of thinking.
It's ideas like that and having their heads in the clouds that will make it so economic libertarians won't be taking over any time soon either. They would only be better than Republicans on social issues, and that isn't hard. With a handful of exceptions (although those handful are a major fault of the party) like affirmative action and Second Amendment rights Democrats already fit that bill on social issues, and are more in tune with the people on economic ones than libertarians are.