
Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Besides that airplane thing I had asked you about, what steps have you been taking to avoid these mind controlling chemicals to affect your mind and thinking? If it's in the food and in the air and in the water and where you step, how is this stuff not getting into your body. Share with us so we can cleans ourselves of these poisons like you.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Still waiting for your explanation of why no private plane can travel about 30k feet to test air quality.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Still waiting for your explanation of why no private plane can travel about 30k feet to test air quality.

I have answer. Did you ever notice that domestic flights never go beyond 30k'? West Chester to AC or Philly or Newburgh or Islip never go beyond 30k. It is these local flights that have those tanks of shit that are making us die. It's all controlled by the pharmaceuticals. Just make us sick enough to buy their pills. I got this from Yourtube but they took them all down.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
For the MPerferct people out there. They have not taken this information down from Youutuube. The fatal victims have been found from Florida, NYC, London, Paris, Boston, Las Vegas.

I have a prediction. The next fake killing event will be on Thursday.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
You know Bob Ross was a retired Air Force Sergeant, right? So if anyone would know about contrails it's him. Too bad all them contrails caught up with him. He dead.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
You know Bob Ross was a retired Air Force Sergeant, right? So if anyone would know about contrails it's him. Too bad all them contrails caught up with him. He dead.

Yeah, I noticed Commander Potatoe is back, cutting and shitposting his way to troll immortality. But he still hasn't addressed Bob's questions about them fancy airplanes and their capabilities. Or that contrails killed Bob Ross.
Human Testing: Cadmium Sulfide (United Nuclear) Plutonium as an IV injection Aerosol Spraying innocent civilians…

“…Covert military-sponsored studies during the Cold War targeted the city of St. Louis, whereby residents, homes and buildings were sprayed with hazardous materials from aircraft and passing vehicles. This series of tests, which took place between 1953 and 1965, was connected to a vast and secretive military project. An extension of the Manhattan Atomic Bomb Project, the goal was in part to covertly test humans, both alive and deceased, in an effort to develop not just nuclear but also radiological weapons…”

Oakville Washington Military Human Testing Experiments

...It was raining tiny blobs of gelatinous goo. It came down in *******s, blanketing 20 square miles, and brought with it something of a plague.”
According to Unsolved Mysteries in an episode from 1997, at 3:00 am on August 7, 1994, the goo began to fall, and over a period of three weeks, the goo would fall a total of six times.
Oakville resident Beverly Roberts told the show that sickness was widespread,

“Everybody in the whole town came down with something like the flu, only it was a really hard flu that lasted from seven weeks to two or three months.”
The show interviewed Officer David Lacey at the time, who said that the “goo” came from secret military aircraft.

“We turned our windshield wipers on, and it just started smearing to the point where we could almost not see. We both looked at each other and we said ‘gee this isn’t right’. We’re out in the middle of nowhere, basically, and where did this come from?”
Lacey said that when he touched the substance, he became concerned.

“The substance was very mushy, almost like if you had jello in your hand. You know, you could pretty much squish it through your fingers. We knew it wasn’t something we would normally see, because we had never experienced it before. We had some bells go off in our heads that said that basically ‘this isn’t right, this isn’t normal.”

The show states that samples were sent off to Washington Department of Health microbiologist Mike McDowell for testing, who was interviewed by National Geographic in another show that he believes that this was not natural.

“We found to 2 organisms, pseudomonas fluorescens and enterobacter cloacae.” Said McDowell, who added these organisms could lead to severe illness.
Before anyone else could test his samples, McDowell says they disappeared.

“I came in, and the material was not where it was supposed to be. I asked management ‘what happened to it?’ and the exact words were ‘Do not ask.’”
McDowell added, “This material...., was manufactured by covert military operations for the purpose of human experimentation, and for some reason, Oakville was chosen as the test site.”...

USAF Enviromental Specialist Kristen Meghan | Blows Whistle On Air Force | Chemtrail Chemicals new york chemtrails&f=false

Similar polymer bio weapons as those used on Oakville, Washington, was also dropped on Snyder, New York, in 2011,, and many other places all over the world including recently in the Russian town of Pervouralsk .
