After killing billions of bees, Chemtrails will also be capable of killing humans in just a few years, says a shocking report by a U.S. expert.
The expert also confirmed that the “covert operation” could actually create biblical style floods. This floods would pour down toxic chemicals, which included lead and mercury thus giving rise to catastrophic outcomes.
Michael Tamez, U.S. eco expert, had said that the little lines of clouds that one could see above, left behind by jet aircraft were more dangerous than the average human would realize. The expert also said that the whole thing had to do with “Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering,” and it was being kept secret from the public.
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“It’s a covert global operation of chemical spraying technology designed to deliver sulfide gasses to the earth’s atmosphere,” said the U.S. eco expert.
“They’re long trails of cirrus clouds that stretch across the horizon and then spread out across the sky. After about a half hour or so, they begin to appear foggy and disappear into the air.”
The U.S. eco expert had also said that Chemtrails were being used for more than three decades now. He also said that these could create extreme devastation.
He described the process as a covert global operation which had been created to deliver sulfide gasses to the earth’s atmosphere to balance the quantity of carbon dioxide present. He added that this technology was being used since the 1980s.
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According to Express UK, the gases left during the spray would also have adverse effects on how the sun would react with the Earth. This it could in turn have devastating weather events.
While the sprayed gases were diluting the strength of the sun, crop failure would also take place. This would force the government to produce more chemically developed and genetically manufactured foods.
However, is a website which debunks the Chemtrails conspiracy theory. According to this website, aircraft contrails were nothing but condensation trails.
“The chemtrail conspiracy theory seems to frequently misidentify ordinary contrails as “chemtrails” – some kind of secret spraying program,” said the website.
The website also stated that it had tried to collect all the evidence, which debunked this in one place.