Cheerleader In Videotaped Beating Shows Face.

Will E Worm

Cheerleader In Videotaped Beating Shows Face, Gives First Interview.

Until now, the face of Victoria Lindsay, 16, has been blurred out in a video that has circulated around the world showing her receiving blows to the face and body during an attack allegedly committed by six of her classmates.
Lindsay told People magazine that she is still in a lot of pain from the videotaped beating, according to an "Inside Edition" preview of a People magazine report.


I told you the video was longer. Thirty minute long video. :nono:

Cheerleaders Pummel Girl For 30 Minutes In 'Animalistic' Ambush Attack, Police Say

Thirty minute beating

'Dr. Phil' TV Show Bails Out Fla. Girl Jailed In 'Cheerleader' Beating.

Dr. Phil

"Doctor" Phil :cussing: :thefinger
Well, Dr. Phil is kind of a dick, anyway. The article didn't really say why they chose this particular girl to bail out, or really give much in the way of details at all. But hey Phil- this girl is not a victim. NOT a victim. SHe lured another teen age girl into a pretty vicious beating. She should have been left in that jail to think about it for some time. Family couldn't pay to get her out? Oh, bummer. Guess she should have thought of that when she lied to another girl so that others could kick the holy shit out of her.

The news seems pretty upset that these scumbags have been getting death threats. Yeah, so what? Like they're the only ones to ever get that. Some celebs and others get them every day.

This just amazes me at times- a classic example- a nice microcosm- of some of today's ills. If these teen agers didn't want death threats, it was entirely up to them not to lure another teen age girl somewhere so they could video tape themselves beating her. A video-taping, I might add, that was intended to make them famous when they posted it on the internet. Surprise! You videotaped yourselves doing a crime, and now you have the audacity to act surprised that you're in trouble? And that most of the public thinks you're a bunch of worthless skags that need an ass-kicking of your own?

Please don't be surprised. Be thankful that the media slant seems to have acted like you're victims. Be thankful there are clods like Dr. Phil. Be thankful that 99% of death threats are just that- threats.

Sucks, huh kids? There's no reset button...

Those kids acted all grown up and taped the beatdown to become famous. Well they're famous now and famous people get death threats. :1orglaugh
Dr. Phil bailed on e of them for exclusive rights etc.. Hope those kids get thrown in big boy ass rape prison. it'll be jus a matter of hours before they get thier beatdowns then.
Those kids acted all grown up and taped the beatdown to become famous. Well they're famous now and famous people get death threats. :1orglaugh
Dr. Phil bailed on e of them for exclusive rights etc.. Hope those kids get thrown in big boy ass rape prison. it'll be jus a matter of hours before they get thier beatdowns then.

Well, the two boys that were involved are probably not going to be doing any hard time, as they were the lookouts. Those who did all the beatings were girls, so if they're getting raped in prison, it will be a Russ Meyer "women behind bars" shower scene thing at a womens' prison.

Unless they started making prison co-ed. :eek:

Well, the two boys that were involved are probably not going to be doing any hard time, as they were the lookouts. Those who did all the beatings were girls, so if they're getting raped in prison, it will be a Russ Meyer "women behind bars" shower scene thing at a womens' prison.

Unless they started making prison co-ed. :eek:


I believe they are being charged with among other things being accessories to the crime and kidnapping. Kidnapping a bad news, as in "You are going to the big person jail."

As for why Dr. Phil bailed the one chick out, the story now is that it was one of the producers on the show, who did all of this without Dr. Phil's knowledge (yeah, right), for the express purpose of having her be on the show.

Apparently Dr. Phil's show was running out of steam anyway, and this may be the fatal blow.