I propose to the FreeOnes Institute the following theory:
Hotness = %Asian x BreastSize/(Age-AgeofMajority)
Thus, ultimate hotness is achieved when the following three conditions are attained:
1) Asian
2) Big boobs
3) Barely Legal.
The following example should clear up any confusion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=200UOGKyJtM
Points for further discussion:
1) Is part asian hotter than full asian
2) The need for a booty variable
3) A natural boobs coefficient
Hotness = %Asian x BreastSize/(Age-AgeofMajority)
Thus, ultimate hotness is achieved when the following three conditions are attained:
1) Asian
2) Big boobs
3) Barely Legal.
The following example should clear up any confusion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=200UOGKyJtM
Points for further discussion:
1) Is part asian hotter than full asian
2) The need for a booty variable
3) A natural boobs coefficient