I'll repeat, I really don't care which side escalated it to the point it reached, they passed their 1st Amendment protections when it got violent, which was hours before anyone died.
Unite the Right had a permit, but that doesn't give them the right to go beyond the scope of that permit. Perhaps if the other groups that showed up were arrested when they got there, without a permit, the situation could have been avoided. Either way, it's a failure of law enforcement whether they failed to arrest the groups that didn't have a permit OR if they failed to disperse the crowd when it turned violent and started getting out of control.
I really have no desire to engage in personal tit-for-tat with you, if you still think I'm wrong then I will agree to disagree and kindly see my way out of this thread.
*Charlottesville* sigh
Charlottesville, not Charlotte.
No, they didn't. They said it was fucked up and they don't support it.
Are you willing to say the same about this? That it's fucked up, and that a guy shouldn't have driven his car into a crowd of people? Because it seems like you and others are trying to defend or even justify the act.
False flag alert. An actor drove or didn't drive a car and hurt people.
Antifa member Joel Vangheluwe was the driver.
I never hear reference to "antifa" except from alt-right fanboys.
That's what I've seen, too, it's not an organization, more a vague philosophy. Of course more than that though, it's been turned into a Meme by Neo-Nazis and their supporters, a contrived boogieman. I mean for fuck's sake, I'm against fascism, what's wrong with that?
To be totally honest, this week is the first time I'm hearing of antifa (that I can recall). All these republicans are asking democrats why they aren't calling out antifa. From a quick Google search, antifa means anti-fascism. Shouldn't we all be anti-fascism? Not sure what I'm missing.
Funny how the ZIO Media propaganda lie machine puts anyone who disagrees with removing Confederate Civil War statues ect in the category of
Nazi. They just love that word. Milk it for all they can. And sad how some people are still small minded enough to fall for it over and over again.
Funny how the ZIO Media propaganda lie machine puts anyone who disagrees with removing Confederate Civil War statues ect in the category of
They just love that word. Milk it for all they can.
And sad how some people are still small minded enough to fall for it over and over again.
The governor should be recalled for attempting to deny a segment of society their constitutional rights because he does not like them.