Carrie Prejean meltdown on Larry King

Sex Tape Beauty Queen almost walks off the set

Thankfully dear Carrie gathered herself in time to pimp her hypocritical opus, "I'm Still Standing" - which by all rights should be titled "I'm Still Lying".

And......surprise looks like she may well be lying [what else isn't new?] about being 17 when she made the masturbation tape, the existence of which unquestionably caused her to drop her bogus suit against the pageant for, among other things, religious discrimination :wave2:

During the King interview she stated, "Sarah Palin is my hero."
That's quite evident Carrie. Both of you are transparent professional victims :glugglug:


Hiliary 2020
youre fucked up dude.
I watched the video earlier today, that girl said nothing wrong.
She likes sarah-palin so what?
She works with the special olympics
she wants to further her education
wtf is the problem?
Lawrence Zeiger asked her about her court case, she told him nicely she wasnt allowed to talk about it. He then asked her 3 more times like a sneaky prick that he is.
she calmly asked hinm to stop and said he was being inappropriate.
See thats how a mature adult would handle it.
He then got a caller on the air even though the deal was no calls, another sneaky prick move by Zeiger. sure enough the call was from a gay who started to ask her about some gay issue, she didnt hear it at all but it seems clearly like it was a sneaky prick setup
She handled herself just fine
So whats with all the hate dude?
you cant help it i suppose, youre just following the herd.
Here watch your buddy, I bet you can really relate to him
you can hate her with him, then go have a cocktail together :glugglug: then a little :nannerf1:
Wow - did she REALLY say "Sarah Palin is my hero"??

This is just getting extremely comical. Conservative heroes are now:

- preachy beauty queens with boobjobs, sex-tapes, and persevering victim books to hock?
- preachy anti-government hockey moms with kids who are living examples of the limited effectiveness of what they preach ("abstinence only!"), who want to lead by quitting?

It's also interesting how Prejean seems to be following Palin's lead of trying to stay IN the media, without actually having to address any substantive questions.

I don't appreciate his use of that word, either, but if he were to play the Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck (and now Carrie Prejean) victim card, Hellraiser could say "See!! Don't ya see, people???!!! They're trying to shut me up! They're trying to deny me my right to tell you what I think!! They don't want to hear it, so they are trying to shut it down!!"

But even though I can't stand Carrie Prejean or Sarah Palin, I don't think it's right to call them bimbos. It's just a sexist smear.
Posts #6 is further proof that NeoCons are a bunch of fascists and I stand by what I said earlier, Sarah Palin and Carrie Prejean are NeoCon bimbos :hatsoff:
Posts #6 is further proof that NeoCons are a bunch of fascists and I stand by what I said earlier, Sarah Palin and Carrie Prejean are NeoCon bimbos :hatsoff:

Hellraiser - it also doesn't do anyone any favors by abusing the word "fascist." One doesn't have to be a fascist to angrily demand that someone not use certain language. That's not a meaningful indicator of fascism.

:2 cents:
Carrie Prejean Threatens To Walk Off "Larry King" (VIDEO)

Hellraiser - it also doesn't do anyone any favors by abusing the word "fascist." One doesn't have to be a fascist to angrily demand that someone not use certain language. That's not a meaningful indicator of fascism.

:2 cents:

For him to insist and demand that I stop using the word NeoCon suggests he is a fascist for attempting to censor me
Funny thing is...she's way more famous now because she lost the pageant than she ever would've been had she won. Does anyone remember the name of the girl who won? I didn't think so.

Still...she's a stupid cunt who needs to shut the fuck up and stop playing the victim.

Carrie Prejean Threatens To Walk Off "Larry King" (VIDEO)

For him to insist and demand that I stop using the word NeoCon suggests he is a fascist for attempting to censor me

:1orglaugh:1orglaugh That's funny, I originally thought (assumed) that he was upset with you calling them "bimbos" but I see now that he highlighted your use of the term "NeoCon." I don't object to that term in general, if it's applied appropriately, but come on, be serious. I highly doubt that Carrie Prejean has ANY political philosophy that's well-developed enough to be called "fascist," as for Palin, well, I think she probably does exhibit some proto-fascist tendencies, but even with her, I really don't think she has thought things through enough other than to have some instinctual urge to appeal to people's fears, insecurities, and ignorance.



what the fuck you lookin at?
Larry...your being inappropriate.

bitch! She's the one fucking on camera and giving it away! And she calls larry inappropriate for asking a simple question.
I can't understand how she has lost her right to free speech and is being silenced by the media when she is on all kinds of interview shows to plug her book-maybe she should have her people teacher her some resonses to the questions that they have to know are coming.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Her political/social views are (clearly) what caused some people to go after her initially. But if she had not lied about her past, they wouldn't have had any ammo to take her down. Carrie is to blame for whatever has happened to Carrie. She lost her crown because she lied. She lost her lawsuit because she lied. Plain & simple. And after hitching herself to various Fundamentalist/family values groups, now she's dodging them and not showing up for paid appearances. Why? Because she lied to them too!

As for the Larry King show, I'll just repost what I put in the thread about her on the Celeb board:

I was lucky (or unlucky) enough to see that last night. When she started out with "my hero is Sarah Palin"... I knew it was going to be good. And she didn't disappoint. She sat there for the longest time with that plastic smile on her face and didn't say anything. Then after Larry had moved on from the question she didn't like, she kept using the new word that someone had taught her just before the show: "inappropriate." Six months ago, a guy could have asked her to do ass-to-mouth and she wouldn't have known to use that word. Who is she trying to fool??? I finally flipped the channel, cause I couldn't take it anymore. People are free to believe whatever they want to believe, including her. But for the love of M&M's, at least have enough basic intelligence to be able to convey what you believe. She can't even tell a good lie. Don't sell yourself as Little Miss Virtue and then forget all about your sex tapes and nude photos. "Uh. Uh. Uh... I was only 17!" Bitch, please! You were 20! Don't you even know how old you are?! :rolleyes:

That chick is living proof that beauty is only skin deep, but stupid goes right to the bone!!! Damn, she's a special brand of dumb!
Excellent publicity stunt! This will have people talking about her for a long time to come . . . well done! :hatsoff:
I think the most relevant fact is not that she walked off set but that she walked on. She was never likely to be going on 'Booknotes' on CSPAN or featured on NPR. A slot on Larry King was as good as it gets for her. She knows the Larry King format. We all do.

Although she is a talentless hypocrite I do feel sorry for Ms Prejean, she's just a kid who wants to be famous. She was ill equipped to be a political spokesperson before the tawdry details of her personal life were revealed. The manipulation of her by eager zealots who saw her literally as the poster child of the anti gay marriage crowd was shameful. She belongs on a daytime soap not a podium.

Will E Worm

Carrie Prejean meltdown on Larry King

religious discrimination :wave2:

So...:dunno: It's better than watching a want to be Jew bow down to a former now morbidly obese actor. Yes, I'm talking about Marlon Brando.

She was discriminated against because of her faith and her opinion.

And, the main reason was because of another morbidity obese "actor" namely Perez Hilton.

I watched the video earlier today, that girl said nothing wrong.
She likes sarah-palin so what?
She works with the special olympics
she wants to further her education
wtf is the problem?

Yeah, what's his problem? Liberals all have the same problem.

They like to discriminate against people because they have problems understanding things. ;)
How to hock a book to GOPers 101

Attack the "Lib media" - check
Whine and play the phony outrage card at CNN - check
Defend/praise the idiocy of stupid ass current GOPer icons - check
Whine about some nebulous, nonexistent "double standard" - check

You're well on your way to the NYT best seller list....just waiting for GOPer whacko groups to exercise a little socialism and buy then redistribute for free your ficktional myography in bulk and ta-daaaaa! :hatsoff: