Absolutely. Anything more than a D is just overkill. I
prefer a full C - Hope Dworaczyk (see below).
Note: when the girl you're dating asks you what size boobs you prefer, the correct answer is
whatever size she has. The wrong answer is definitely anything bigger. Trust me...
Andro Ry: Baby, you've got a great body...
Date: Really? I wish my boobs were bigger.
Andro Ry: No way, they're perfect. I love a full D.
Date: But I'm just a B!?!
Andro Ry: Right. Like I said, I love a full D.
Date: Fuck you, loser. You're getting nothing tonight.
Andro Ry: That's fine. Your tits are too small anyway. I love a full D.
Date: Go to hell, you're evil!
Andro Ry: Yeah, never mind. I'm already wanking while I think about a full D.
Date storms out.