Can Jeri Ryan play Ms. Marvel?

The Phoenix nearly tore Emma Frost's mind apart and when Emma switch bodies with Storm, Storm choked Emma almost to death, Wolverine had to pull her off of her.

The Phoenix is in a class of it's own. However, Emma (even back during the 1980's issues where she was apart of the Hellfire Club, and clearly weaker in telepathy than Xavier) was very instrumental in the conversion of Phoenix to Dark Phoenix. Which is another feat that's certainly noteworthy. During the past decade, where she's a prominent member of the X-Men, she's been boosted up to the point where she's now considered an "Omega-level telepath".

Which obviously would prove quite a match to the redhead sans Phoenix Force.
The Phoenix is in a class of it's own. However, Emma (even back during the 1980's issues where she was apart of the Hellfire Club, and clearly weaker in telepathy than Xavier) was very instrumental in the conversion of Phoenix to Dark Phoenix. Which is another feat that's certainly noteworthy. During the past decade, where she's a prominent member of the X-Men, she's been boosted up to the point where she's now considered an "Omega-level telepath".

Which obviously would prove quite a match to the redhead sans Phoenix Force.

I haven't read much from any of the current X-Men books but I did know she was a full member of the team, I didn't know that they had built her power up by that much.


Dont think she could match jean cause she is both telepathic and telekinetic and was strong in both before even getting the phoenix force.