Calling in 'gay' to work


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Basically, they are stricking because they are being denied rights that every straight citizen has.

What does their right to get married or not have anything to do with their ability to work for a company that has nothing to do with the issue? Seriously, what did their employer do to them and why are they bringing their work-life into this?
not by the government, like in other countries. Shepard was killed because he was looking for sex and drugs.

why was the vicious murder of thirteen year old jesse dirkhising by two homosexuals ignored? He was a minor, shepard was an adult.
Dirkhising was murdered because of shepard.

jesse dirkhising
wtf :helpme:


Loves the double vag
That should be an interesting conversation...


" Hello?"

" Ah, Neil ? um it's Bob."

" Yeah Bob, What's up ?"

" Well, I'm calling in gay today."

" Um Bob, we all know your gay."

"Yeah right, I know but I got a call from the Rainbow party last night and they said that as a homosexual I had to call in gay today so the country would see how much they rely on gay workers."

" Oh um, well... I ah, don't want a lawsuit or anything, so can you just take a sick day?"

"Yeah sure Neil no problem I just wanted you to know I'm not really sick, I'm gay."

"OK Bob, I'll see you tomorrow.... and Bob ?"


" Just wanted you to know that you have my full support and all the guys down here at the docks love your high heeled safety boots."

" Ah thanks Neil, you're such a sweetie, toodles."

the following homo-dramatization brought to you by the quasi gay adventures of ...

Neil & Bob
Although I don't agree with the method they're using, I do believe that every consenting adult should have the same rights, this includes the right to marry.

If you call in gay to work, you're gay. So I don't see how that is an excuse to leave work. So you munch another ladies rug, or suck another dudes schlong, that doesn't make you more special than anyone else. Your sexuality does not effect your work environment. If it does, you're either a porn star, or on your well on your way to getting fired. So suck it up, and get back to work, because I don't get a fucking free day off because I love FreeOnes and spanking it to free porn, and on occasion sleeping with a nice lady, so why should you get to stay home and have sex all day?

This is true and one of the reasons I disagree with the method being used.

Those countries kill women for having premarital sex (even when raped). They kill people teaching Christianity? If the USA was trying to take away the rights of women and Christians, should they just be happy they aren’t in Saudi Arabia?

You took the words straight out of my mouth.

No one cares!!!

That you don't care doesn't mean that no one cares, cause obviously they care...

Besides, if you really didn't care, why the strong negative reaction?

Lulz. Silly faggots, dicks are for chix.

You must really dislike anal sex, cause after all, arses are for shitting.

Tell these faggots that they are lucky that they aren't hunted down and executed like in Iran. Tell these queers that there is a war going on and our economy is shit so there isn't time to worry about you fudge packers getting married.

What does the fact that there's a war going on have anything to do with it? The US is always at war with something or someone. Besides, the department in the US government that deals with peoples rights and the department that deals with war have little to nothing to do with eachother.

The only point that remains is that it's not going very well economically and that such an action might harm it. That and the quoted reason above are the main reasons I don't agree with the method.
What does their right to get married or not have anything to do with their ability to work for a company that has nothing to do with the issue? Seriously, what did their employer do to them and why are they bringing their work-life into this?

Excellent point, this protest is stupid and pointless, but I am sympathetic to their case. If they want to get married, let them get married, who really gives a shit, honestly? The people who oppose their rights are the people who would be absolutely LEAST affected by them.
They have enough. At least they aren't killed like they would be in the Middle East and other places around the world.
Maybe they should change it to, 'Thank you America for not killing us Day'.:rolleyes:

I don't think they should expect to be granted a day off just for being gay. And it might do more harm to their cause then good. But I don't blame them at all for wanting to try and convince people to treat them as equals. And if any employers want to honor it that wouldn't bother me.
Its just apart of a bigger plot to take over the world.

Not exactly. It's the homosexual masons who have that in mind.

They are not asking for special treatment, they want the same rights as everyone else.
They have enough.

How is it possible to consider limited rights equal enough? :rolleyes:
And this coming from the great defender of our Constitution. Unreal....

Ever heard of the concept of seperate but equal being inherently unequal?

At least they aren't killed like they would be in the Middle East and other places around the world.

Wow that's really some consolation..... :rolleyes:

Shepard was killed because he was looking for sex and drugs.

I really, really hope that you simply stated this awkwardly, and that you didn't mean to blame the victim for his own murder, as it sounds.

Tell these faggots that they are lucky that they aren't hunted down and executed like in Iran. Tell these queers that there is a war going on and our economy is shit so there isn't time to worry about you fudge packers getting married.

People who are vocally anti-gay to this extreme are frequently closet cases :)
If i was gay, i would participate to this - it might not be the best way to protest but at the same time, they will clearly show how much gays are contributing to USA.

Contributing as much as everyone else, but without the same rights as everyone else.

The method is not good - the message is excellent.
Contributing as much as everyone else, but without the same rights as everyone else.

that about sums it up.

I think that we all pretty much agree that the idea of striking or calling in sick for political or whatever reasons unrelated to working conditions is stupid and pointless... but it's kind of sad that this has to turn once again into a bash against gays.
actually now that I think about, using your economic leverage is a good way to exert democratic influence. I remember when the dock workers went on strike to protest the war in Iraq. Of course it wasn't enough people so nothing really came of it. But if everyone that was against it or anything, Ok, let's say gay marriage ban then, went on strike and made it known that was the reason, think about what it could accomplish, it's a message saying "you guys who make the decisions aren't listening to us, so we are going to stop making you money." and when they see how much it hits their wallets, then they might be inclined to listen.

Or else to just to fire them all and hire all the other people that are waiting around for those jobs. Yeah, doing it at an economic downturn isn't a good time.
actually now that I think about, using your economic leverage is a good way to exert democratic influence. I remember when the dock workers went on strike to protest the war in Iraq. Of course it wasn't enough people so nothing really came of it. But if everyone that was against it or anything, Ok, let's say gay marriage ban then, went on strike and made it known that was the reason, think about what it could accomplish, it's a message saying "you guys who make the decisions aren't listening to us, so we are going to stop making you money." and when they see how much it hits their wallets, then they might be inclined to listen.

Or else to just to fire them all and hire all the other people that are waiting around for those jobs. Yeah, doing it at an economic downturn isn't a good time.

It makes a lot of sense in my opinion. :)
Personally, I can't understand what the point of marrying two homosexuals. A marriage is always between a man and a woman and gay marriages shouldn't be allowed nor tolerated. A day off for gays/lesbians for celebrating their homosexuality? Have these people fallen on their heads or smoked too much weed? :confused::rolleyes:


Loves the double vag
Wow, nice to see you take the diversity bus to tolerence town...

wait a minute, isn't that a song?


Closed Account
Well you see georges what happens is they get high, and then they think it's a good idea to blow another dude, or bend over and "assume the position" They want to be celebrated because well, they are superior. They try and try to compare themselves to the Romans, because let's face it, most males were banging other dudes then, but they come up short, because they just don't have what it takes. I think the whole aspect of being gay, especially now, since it's become popular, is just a popularity contest. Whether they are truly in love or not, I will never understand, but they fact is they want to get married, and they want to pound each others love hole, eveyday until they die. I think we should let them get married, but ban them from getting divorced. If they do want a divorce they should have to go through a long drawn out process that takes several years, similar to the U.S. Court system.

Ummm but they're no different to us, they still eat, sleep, shit and root, so they still got the best things in life, dont need no fagg day off, far out
so 1/2 day then?

I think that they should find out the next time that the supreme court holds a recess or whatever they call it when they go on vacation and make that call into work gay day. I think it would be ironic and funny. yup, all those queers in the supreme court didn't show up to work today.