I'm definately going to get this. I probably won't play it as much as the first one, but this should be good
Two Guys | Two Voices
Two Guys | Two Voices
smh? please enlighten me
Angry at what, you explain nothing
dev is already getting a bunch of shit about modern warfare2 being as short as shit like modernwarfare1......6-8 hour campaign again???? this game should be $49.99.....people complain when the campaign is only 10 hrs.
I for one prefer shorter campaigns in games. I can't be assed to sit there and play the campaign much more than 8 hours max. Gets repetitive as fuck after hour 8. Besides, just like the first one people aren't gonna buy it for the campaign, they're buying it for the multiplayer! The campaign is just extra bullshit as far as I'm concerned anyway.
I am not gonna get this at the outset, its too much money probably get the PC version. Why are the console version £10 more than the PC version? Amazon retail the PC version £34.99 and the console versions £44.99 Why?? Having said that it does look damn good, we will wait and see. Also remains to be seen if they hurriedly try to release a bug ridden game like the last one and then patch it or take the time to release this properly.
i dont know how much had to do with it being xbox's p2p tech they use for live.
not long left now till this is out. im so hyped up for when it does arrive so i hope it doesn't fall below expectations. Is anyone gonna play the campaign before going online? or do most of you just go straight online anyway? ill definately be playing the campaign first until i finish it, because it looks so good!