what the fuck is this shit?
Jesus, there's too many fucking soapboxes and not enough pics of Faith.
My soapbox doesn't exist. I hope people see that.
What exists is my lust. I'm programmed. I'm not apologizing for it. But I have nothing to do with the outcasts that use porn as an avenue an excuse for their attitudes and violence. Mine is about consensual sex and pleasure. Theirs is not.
If people are going to come here with a guilty conscience, please do not. If you cannot leave your morality and holier-than-thou baggage with you, then do not. Not many of us here are into using sex as an excuse for demeaning or violent behavior. In fact, when people bring such baggage, we wonder if they do.
That was my point. I hope people see it. It's not a soapbox. It's the reason why I enjoy lust, masterbation and sex. If men want to masterbate and feel bad about it, they have my pity. I wish they could be happy. Let's be men and love it, not wallow as if our lust is the cause for the pain of women.
Our lust is not. It's the lust of other men who use it as an avenue for demeaning and violent behavior. We can do nothing about them except try to protect women from them. We do not promote that behavior with our own lust, it is completely different. I will not apologies for what I'm programmed to do, but only do with full consent.
Peace. Remember, love being a man. Because we men get to enjoy ourselves to a woman like
Faith. A woman who shares herself with us. We lust from afar, but we lust with her consent to do so from afar. As long as men realize what levels of consent have been granted, there is not an issue. Keep that in mind when men start talking about what whores women are and what they are deserving of and why they love that (yeah, "uh oh" types).