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Bush's Legacy

As Barack Obama assumes the mantle of the presidency and duties of the office, he has inherited from his predecessor a federal government that has a staggering national debt of more than $10 trillion, a ballooning federal deficit this year estimated at $438 billion – and a government that recently assumed responsibility for some $5 trillion of the nation’s consumer debt.

The irony is that George W. Bush, who billed himself as a conservative in the mold of Ronald Reagan, leaves a legacy of profligate federal spending, record debt and an economy in shambles.

A broad range of conservative thinkers, surveying the political and economic fallout of the two Bush terms, are openly voicing their concerns that it may take years for the Republican Party and the nation to repair the damage Bush policies have inflicted.

“Bush has added a staggering $32 trillion to unfunded government liabilities future generations of Americans will have to bear,” wrote the London Sunday Times’ Andrew Sullivan, a maverick conservative who described Bush’s economic policies as “fiscal madness.”

The huge spending increases came despite the fact that fellow Republicans controlled Congress for six of Bush’s eight years in office. And Bush did not veto a bill of any kind, including spending, until July 2006, and left office having cast the fewest vetoes of any modern president.


“Giving Congress control over spending, without a check from the presidential veto pen, is like giving teenagers car keys and a bottle of whiskey and asking them to behave – they’re just not going to do it.”



So, all you ultra-left-wingers should know that Bush was an old school liberal, spending until there was no tomorrow. What a chimp! He single-handedly ruined America. Congratulations Jorge! I'd venture to say this chimp was more left-leaning than Bill Clinton. What a country....


what the fuck you lookin at?
Don't forget he was an unemployed alcoholic before he made president of the USA! So, really the boy done good! :rofl::rofl:
Don't forget he was an unemployed alcoholic before he made president of the USA! So, really the boy done good! :rofl::rofl:

Yeah he done good alright. The chimpanzee inherited a fortune. I guess that's what it takes to buy the office nowadays...Obama is going to inherit shit, so that should be interesting. :)
Ok my American friends , at least he's gone.We are still saddled with Gordon Brown, one of the most inept politicians in history.Our young people come out of university with worthless degrees for which they are saddled with large debts, he has destroyed an excellent pensions industry and devastated the lives of thrifty older folk and he's taxed the rest of the people (except the well off) to the hilt.Apart from generating a gigantic debt mountain and then telling people he is saving the world that's about it.
^^ Come on marquis2. Can you really blame Brown for worthless degrees and large debts when he has only been PM for 19 months?

He was Chancellor ie controlled the public purse for all the years before he became PM.He had a very large influence on all money matters including the introduction of tuition fees.
The debts are partly those he incurred while Chancellor plus those recent ones (banks etc) and also from relaxing banking rules and encouraging borrowing.
Ok my American friends , at least he's gone.We are still saddled with Gordon Brown, one of the most inept politicians in history.Our young people come out of university with worthless degrees for which they are saddled with large debts, he has destroyed an excellent pensions industry and devastated the lives of thrifty older folk and he's taxed the rest of the people (except the well off) to the hilt.Apart from generating a gigantic debt mountain and then telling people he is saving the world that's about it.

Obama will be just as bad. He will wipe out the middle class, for sure, I believe this. The have and have-nots will be immense by the time he is through with his term(s).

The Bush Legacy: Protected America and prevented any further deadly and catastrophic foreign terrorist attacks on United States soil after 911.

And spent more than any other president in history on Africa. What a waste that was.
So, all you ultra-left-wingers should know that Bush was an old school liberal, spending until there was no tomorrow. What a chimp! He single-handedly ruined America. Congratulations Jorge! I'd venture to say this chimp was more left-leaning than Bill Clinton. What a country....
I would argue it was the combination of Republican-Republican for 6 years. Clinton's spending was well on over doubling the debt too (his own figures) until the Republicans took back the Congress in 1994. I just sure wish the Democrats would have done it in 2002 as well.

One thing I do get tired of is how much people are ignorant of how bad the economy was at the end of 2000. The layoffs hit W.'s first quarter, much like they are hitting Obama's now. The difference is that the percentage of unemployed is 2x and debt is 2x now.

In all honesty, as much as I blame W. for the war and the Republicans for the pork spending, we've been pretty fucked since the '70s.

Anyone who thinks Clinton left us in "good shape" is lying to themselves. From corporate non-GAAP issues (how people blame W. for Enron is beyond me), SUV production (again, people blame W.?) and the dot-com bust that saw all that "false wealth" that was reported during Clinton turn to nothing (sadly, there is no "retro-active accounting" on 1999-2000 for Clinton like there was on W. for 2007-2008).

And outsourcing was huge under Clinton, although one can blame the Republican Congress for much of that too.

The first recession under W. wasn't his fault, but the Clinton and Republican Congress'. However, his failure to stop pork spending, largely because he started a war and signed off on such to get support (pork spending is always worse than the war cost itself, it was under Vietnam as well), plus the "false recovery" from the "dot-com" bust via the house boom, does mark him poorly.

In other words, if you blame W., then you have to blame Clinton for the same as well. You can blame W. with more of a percentage out of sheer magnitude and multiplier, but it was already set in motion before W., and even before Clinton. Although non-GAAP reporting and accounting issues, SUV and other wasteful, lack of environmental foresight (I can easily bash Clinton and, God help us, Gore as much as W. there) and outsourcing started under Clinton's watch and only got worse under W.
W. on Africa ...

And spent more than any other president in history on Africa. What a waste that was.
Actually, most everyone I've spoken to from various African nations are generally appreciative of the "barriers" W. "tore down" on access to AIDS drugs, as well as the sheer amount involved. Even Bono noticed and was criticized for working with an thanking W., but he repeatedly told them that it was because of what W. was actually doing for Africa (irrespective of anything and everything else).
I would argue it was the combination of Republican-Republican for 6 years. Clinton's spending was well on over doubling the debt too (his own figures) until the Republicans took back the Congress in 1994. I just sure wish the Democrats would have done it in 2002 as well.

One thing I do get tired of is how much people are ignorant of how bad the economy was at the end of 2000. The layoffs hit W.'s first quarter, much like they are hitting Obama's now. The difference is that the percentage of unemployed is 2x and debt is 2x now.

In all honesty, as much as I blame W. for the war and the Republicans for the pork spending, we've been pretty fucked since the '70s.

Anyone who thinks Clinton left us in "good shape" is lying to themselves. From corporate non-GAAP issues (how people blame W. for Enron is beyond me), SUV production (again, people blame W.?) and the dot-com bust that saw all that "false wealth" that was reported during Clinton turn to nothing (sadly, there is no "retro-active accounting" on 1999-2000 for Clinton like there was on W. for 2007-2008).

And outsourcing was huge under Clinton, although one can blame the Republican Congress for much of that too.

The first recession under W. wasn't his fault, but the Clinton and Republican Congress'. However, his failure to stop pork spending, largely because he started a war and signed off on such to get support (pork spending is always worse than the war cost itself, it was under Vietnam as well), plus the "false recovery" from the "dot-com" bust via the house boom, does mark him poorly.

In other words, if you blame W., then you have to blame Clinton for the same as well. You can blame W. with more of a percentage out of sheer magnitude and multiplier, but it was already set in motion before W., and even before Clinton. Although non-GAAP reporting and accounting issues, SUV and other wasteful, lack of environmental foresight (I can easily bash Clinton and, God help us, Gore as much as W. there) and outsourcing started under Clinton's watch and only got worse under W.

I blame them both equally. I truly am an isolationist American believer until we get our house in order. We're absolutely getting creamed. Minority lending had a large part in this fiasco. What they did was tax the ever living shit out of hard working people like my parents and essentially wiped them out, and tens of millions more, because of political correctness and the house lending scam. It makes my blood boil. But I think the process is well underway to elliminate the middle-class in America. I see it going back to about when you pointed out, around the 70's. The elite doesn't want to fight with anybody. They just want to have a slave-class.

Actually, most everyone I've spoken to from various African nations are generally appreciative of the "barriers" W. "tore down" on access to AIDS drugs, as well as the sheer amount involved. Even Bono noticed and was criticized for working with an thanking W., but he repeatedly told them that it was because of what W. was actually doing for Africa (irrespective of anything and everything else).

What good is throwing money into Africa? If a guy is having unprotected sex with a prositute a few times a month, and the prositute is averaging 5 a night - as reported by 60 minutes not long ago - WTF should our tax dollars go to that? There are far more noble projects. As it is, it looks like Obama will do 'dubya' one better and send even more money into that black hole.
only in america

Uh, not really. I'm pretty sure America is not the first nation to suffer under an inept ruler and a crumbling economic infrastructure. We're just the latest.

Remember when the Romans ruled the world?
Re: W. on Africa ...

Actually, most everyone I've spoken to from various African nations are generally appreciative of the "barriers" W. "tore down" on access to AIDS drugs, as well as the sheer amount involved. Even Bono noticed and was criticized for working with an thanking W., but he repeatedly told them that it was because of what W. was actually doing for Africa (irrespective of anything and everything else).

Very well spoken. President Bush also had the most racially diverse cabinet of any president. Included in this was the first African-American Secretary of State, a female African-American Secretary of State who was previously his National Security Advisor, and a Hispanic Attorney General.

There are those who TALK diversity, and those who PRACTICE diversity. President Bush practiced ethnic diversity.

Also, how gracious President Bush was in his departure during the peaceful exchange of government compared to the way Clinton left office.

President Bush: Helpful to the incoming president.

Clinton: Staffers trashed the west wing and the computers. President Bush's staffers spent days getting things straightened out before they could get fully squared away.

President Bush: a private gathering of supporters and staff at Andrews AFB, with no reporters, so Obama could rightfully have "his day."

Clinton: A big extravaganza at Andrews that sought to draw attention away from the inauguration festivities of President Bush, and focus the limelight on himself.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
The Bush Legacy: Protected America and prevented any further deadly and catastrophic foreign terrorist attacks on United States soil after 911.

Not only that, but cost the lives of thousands of American soldiers for absolutely nothing. We invaded Iraq for what? To eliminate a man who was little or no threat to us, simply because Dubya's inept father couldn't finish the job in 1991. I'm glad that fucker's out of the White House. If there was a natural disaster to describe Bush, I'd combine Hurricane Katrina (inept leadership), Hurricane Andrew (amount of money and jobs lost), and the Indian Ocean tsunami (loss of life) all in one. Those best fit Bush in my book.
Not only that, but cost the lives of thousands of American soldiers for absolutely nothing. We invaded Iraq for what? To eliminate a man who was little or no threat to us, simply because Dubya's inept father couldn't finish the job in 1991. I'm glad that fucker's out of the White House. If there was a natural disaster to describe Bush, I'd combine Hurricane Katrina (inept leadership), Hurricane Andrew (amount of money and jobs lost), and the Indian Ocean tsunami (loss of life) all in one. Those best fit Bush in my book.


Bush's supporters will always rave about him keeping another 9/11 from happening, but majority of the americans know that he did far more bad than good, burning through billions of dollars to fight a completely unnecessary war to feed his ego and completely ignoring Bin Laden or the real terrorist network that's out there, not to mention him messing up Hurricane Katrina recovery, failed to rein in Wall Street, and help plunged US into a recession that's teetering on Depression. Bush will never see his image improve like Carter or Truman. Maybe if he admits that he lied about Iraq's WMD from the start and takes full responsibilty for all the fiasco that he brought to the American people will I give him even a bit of respect. Right now he is the undisputed worst President ever, beating US Grant by a mile.
Re: W. on Africa ...

Very well spoken. President Bush also had the most racially diverse cabinet of any president. Included in this was the first African-American Secretary of State, a female African-American Secretary of State who was previously his National Security Advisor, and a Hispanic Attorney General.

There are those who TALK diversity, and those who PRACTICE diversity. President Bush practiced ethnic diversity.

Also, how gracious President Bush was in his departure during the peaceful exchange of government compared to the way Clinton left office.

President Bush: Helpful to the incoming president.

Clinton: Staffers trashed the west wing and the computers. President Bush's staffers spent days getting things straightened out before they could get fully squared away.

President Bush: a private gathering of supporters and staff at Andrews AFB, with no reporters, so Obama could rightfully have "his day."

Clinton: A big extravaganza at Andrews that sought to draw attention away from the inauguration festivities of President Bush, and focus the limelight on himself.

Well then, that should excuse him from history's greatest foreclosure smorgasboard and plunging his country into a pointless financially and morally crippling "war" that has dragged on for almost 6 years, with not one redeeming quality in sight.

But hey, at least he didn't mess with the computer keyboards.

African-American Secretary of State - Resigned
female African-American Secretary of State who was previously his National Security Advisor - Inept
Hispanic Attorney General - Corrupt
Not only that, but cost the lives of thousands of American soldiers for absolutely nothing. We invaded Iraq for what? To eliminate a man who was little or no threat to us, simply because Dubya's inept father couldn't finish the job in 1991. I'm glad that fucker's out of the White House. If there was a natural disaster to describe Bush, I'd combine Hurricane Katrina (inept leadership), Hurricane Andrew (amount of money and jobs lost), and the Indian Ocean tsunami (loss of life) all in one. Those best fit Bush in my book.

Oh yeah, for sure. Be nice to get some opinions from the military element of this site, what the true thoughts are about the former commander-in-chief. I've heard conflicting opinions, and my sisters ex actually lost a leg to an assault rifle in Iraq, but all he really said was that "it is what it is" and (paraphrasing), something along the lines that the military didn't really want to be there, but it was their job. I had a class mate in a World History class who had photos from his tour in Iraq. Pretty nasty stuff (body parts and all that).


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
So, all you ultra-left-wingers should know that Bush was an old school liberal, spending until there was no tomorrow. What a chimp! He single-handedly ruined America. Congratulations Jorge! I'd venture to say this chimp was more left-leaning than Bill Clinton. What a country....

Hey, I'm just going to say it here: This man did not ruin America. America is still strong, and if you need any proof of that, all you have to do is look at the hype surrounding Obama. If countries in Africa, where people have no money and live in huts, are celebrating, I would say that America is not ruined. Wounded, maybe, but at the end of the day America will be standing as tall as it ever was. It might take a few years, but it will.

(Please don't call me bad names, this is coming from a Canadian)
Hey, I'm just going to say it here: This man did not ruin America. America is still strong, and if you need any proof of that, all you have to do is look at the hype surrounding Obama. If countries in Africa, where people have no money and live in huts, are celebrating, I would say that America is not ruined. Wounded, maybe, but at the end of the day America will be standing as tall as it ever was. It might take a few years, but it will.

(Please don't call me bad names, this is coming from a Canadian)

A dirty bomb in Manhattan goes off, and you will be singing a different tune. Frankly I don't care what Africans think about our new prez, I care about our first-world country, America, and a standard of life we Americans are entitled to. I just see that all going down hill. Shit, try finding a decent job today. It will not be very easy.