Buffy Slayer of the Vampyres

The lesbian thing was a cheap attempt to get more viewers and all that!

It was girls gone wild meets Buffy, basically! Cheap shit that anyone with a brain could see through!

It was gratuitous. Notice how long it lasted?

I still remember that episode where Oz said, lock me up in this cage. So they did and he transformed into the werewolf and all that.

And that always leads me into the episode of Angel with the werewolf chick and she had a thing for Angel but he was a puppet! I love the puppet show! I thought it was a great twist, a great direction and really just went against the grain in a good way, of course! I felt it worked absolutely wonderfully!

Plus, if I remember right, that was the first episode David Boreanaz directed and produced.


I loved the relationship that Willow and Tara had and I was very sad to see her go when bitch-ass Warren shot her. I did however at first think it was just a gimmick but I liked where the writers were going with it. I didn't find it gratuitous at all. But to each his or her own. :thumbsup:
Crap, then you need to go watch the last few seasons of Angel when Spike shows up. Angel And Spike are constantly bickering and its quite humorous.

The puppet episode was classic. I love it when he turns vampire and has his puppet scowl lol.

"I'm gonna tear you a new puppethole bitch!!" Is one of my favorite lines ever. :bowdown:
Okay, here's a post script to the tread. Who are your favorite characters from both shows? I love them all but I do have preferences

1. Cordelia Chase
2. Xander Harris
3. Angel
4. Buffy Summers
5. Faith Lehane
6. Willow Rosenberg
7. Anya
8. Spike
9. Rupert Giles
10. Charles Gunn
11. Wesley Wyndam-Price
12.Fred Burkle/Illyria
13. Dawn Summers
14. Conner


When did we start spelling vampire with a Y. Did I miss some cool new trend?
1. Spike
2. Buffy
3. Cordelia
4. Giles
5. Angel
6. Willow
7. Oz
8. Drusilla--not developed enough as Spike was developed
9. Faith
10. Xander --thought he was an annoying dweeb.

There was a lot to like with this show. A top 5 90s-00s show for sure.


^ thought he was a novelist? Now he is a vampire scholar.

Ha and vampire is the english translation of the french vamprye.
"The English term was derived (possibly via French vampyre)"


It's good to be the king...
The lesbian thing was a cheap attempt to get more viewers and all that!

It was girls gone wild meets Buffy, basically! Cheap shit that anyone with a brain could see through!

It was gratuitous. Notice how long it lasted?

I still remember that episode where Oz said, lock me up in this cage. So they did and he transformed into the werewolf and all that.

And that always leads me into the episode of Angel with the werewolf chick and she had a thing for Angel but he was a puppet! I love the puppet show! I thought it was a great twist, a great direction and really just went against the grain in a good way, of course! I felt it worked absolutely wonderfully!

Plus, if I remember right, that was the first episode David Boreanaz directed and produced.


Smile Time - one of my fave "Angel" moments.

Numero uno being Wesley shooting a Wolfram & Hart employee, while looking to reverse Fred's transformation into Illyria:

EMPLOYEE: I'm sorry to interrupt. I just need to know if the Holbine Clan history was here. It was supposed to be faxed to my office.
WESLEY: It can wait.
EMPLOYEE: These guys are really important. I just need— I mean, the whole company can't be working Miss Burkle's case.
WESLEY: Of course (shoots employee in leg). Jennifer, please send anyone else who isn't working Miss Burkle's case to me.

Followed by Angel attempting to suffocate Wesley in hospital

Anyway, both Buffy & Angel are being shown on the Sci-Fi channel over here...:thumbsup:
The episode in Angel where he goes away to a retreat and Wesley takes on the roll of Angel. That was a neat show all in all, but had humor, too. I really like the episode.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I enjoyed watching Buffy, until she and Spike got it together.
Okay, here's a post script to the tread. Who are your favorite characters from both shows? I love them all but I do have preferences

1. Cordelia Chase
2. Xander Harris
3. Angel
4. Buffy Summers
5. Faith Lehane
6. Willow Rosenberg
7. Anya
8. Spike
9. Rupert Giles
10. Charles Gunn
11. Wesley Wyndam-Price
12.Fred Burkle/Illyria
13. Dawn Summers
14. Conner

1. Faith
2. Buffy
3. Angel
4. Spike
5. Willow
6. Xander
7. Anya
8. Oz
9. Tara
10. Cordelia
11. Gunn
12. Wesley
13. Giles
14. Fred/Illyria
15. Joyce
16. Darla
17. Drusilla
18. Lilah Morgan
19. Lorne
20. Dawn
21. Glory

Really no particular order except for #1 and #2. Honorable mentions go to Jenny Calendar and Amy (even though she spent most of the time as a rat, thank god for Season 8).
I liked Fred until they did the whole romance thing with Wesley, then Gunn. It seemed like a rush a romance sub-plot into the series. I did, however, like how she had that crush on Angel. And Angel Asked in that one episode if anyone wanted to go see the all night viewing of Charleston Heston films. Fred is only one that piped up.


Closed Account
When did we start spelling vampire with a Y. Did I miss some cool new trend?

There was this episode in Season 7, one of those annoying filler episodes which did have some sort of thread going somewhere, where Tom Lenk as Andrew makes a documentary of Buffy. To quote a source:

'Episode Summary

Andrew creates a documentary called Buffy, Slayer of the Vampyres, a record of the current situation in Sunnydale to show to future generations. He manages to capture many important moments, and to annoy almost everyone in the house. But Buffy needs to tear him away from his filmmaking because the Seal of Danzalthar is active and Andrew may hold the key to closing it before it destroys the town.

"Come with me now, if you will, gentle viewers. Join me on a new voyage of the mind...a little tale, I like to call, Buffy, Slayer of the Vampyres."' He sits down in an armchair, dressed in a smoking robe playing the role, in his mind, as an English gentleman, very reminiscent of Sherlock Holmes and all those persons of means what!

One of the things I regret after Buffy is not seeing Clare Kramer again except for "The Skulls 3" and some other minute role in a 3rd grade horror.
I love BTVS! Well, only the first 4 seasons, after Dawn shows up, and the drama dial is cranked to maximum, then... no.

Angel is good too, but only the first and last season. The whole thing with Darla and his kid.. ughk...


It's good to be the king...
I love BTVS! Well, only the first 4 seasons, after Dawn shows up, and the drama dial is cranked to maximum, then... no.

Angel is good too, but only the first and last season. The whole thing with Darla and his kid.. ughk...

I thought the episodes where Darla's realises the consequence of her murderous actions, and her subsequent self-sacrifice were great.
Too bad the kid turned out to be such a whiny (albeit super-powered) brat....:(
Only time I liked Connor was in the last series.
This show is pure genius!!:bowdown: