The lesbian thing was a cheap attempt to get more viewers and all that!
It was girls gone wild meets Buffy, basically! Cheap shit that anyone with a brain could see through!
It was gratuitous. Notice how long it lasted?
I still remember that episode where Oz said, lock me up in this cage. So they did and he transformed into the werewolf and all that.
And that always leads me into the episode of Angel with the werewolf chick and she had a thing for Angel but he was a puppet! I love the puppet show! I thought it was a great twist, a great direction and really just went against the grain in a good way, of course! I felt it worked absolutely wonderfully!
Plus, if I remember right, that was the first episode David Boreanaz directed and produced.
I loved the relationship that Willow and Tara had and I was very sad to see her go when bitch-ass Warren shot her. I did however at first think it was just a gimmick but I liked where the writers were going with it. I didn't find it gratuitous at all. But to each his or her own. :thumbsup: