Not to as some would say be a "white knight" in the thread, but just wanted to point a few things out. There has been random little comments about a new zip site for quite a while and that the panda crew was trying to get that done before they released new zip sets. Now that that is done and the site is up there has been again a few comments that new zipsets will likely be coming, but no timeline.
So they have a new site, that they wanted to get launched and don't have a zipset ready to go, so they start putting out the recent updates from her site to give options for fans to not have to deal with the cost of subscribing with slow updates. They can just get the updates they want and pay less for them. Something good for the people who don't want to subscribe. This is a good thing for the various models fanbase. Personally I don't want to subscribe to all of their sites, so I stick with the model I prefer but every once in a while one of the other models puts out an update that I want. Now I can get just that update and still watch the camshows from all of the models live by subscribing to one. So I'm happy with the new type of site they opened.
Then one of the Panda admins finds this software that allows them to recover some corrupted media files and tweets about it, as it is a neat tool for those who edit videos and occasionally have this problem. Then just tosses out there that he was able to recover some files that got corrupted before they could be used for an old zipset and that he has different footage for it. He got several positive replies agreeing that it would be great to see the new footage and a re-edit with Brooke's more permissive attitude towards what is shown being kept in mind. So it was released at fans requests. There is some new content(from recovered files) and the re-edit does show a little more, but no it doesn't show her doing anything explicit or anything but it reminds me a lot of the showerhead 2 zip now. There is just a tiny string covering things so there are some brief flashes that weren't there before and some disappearing string like the showerhead 2 zip, but no closeup flash(although she does joke about it in the new footage).
Would it have been nice to have the new site launched with another boundary pushing zip - abso-fucking-lutely. That would have been great. And hopefully now that the site it launched, they will do that sometime soon. From comments in chats it sounds like there has been several shoots that if they turned out good enough when looking at them for editing could be new zip sets. So hopefully they can work on those shoots and see what there is to work with. And hopefully it won't take too long. We all want that, including the Panda crew and Brooke, as that I'm sure leads to a nice payday when the standalone zip is released and a fair number of people buy it. If the content is already shot, that is just a paycheck for them sitting on a shelf, so they want it out as well.
Long and short of it, I think recent changes including hiring Raif to do camshow updates and help with other things have been good improvement for the fans/customers and some long coming projects are getting some traction. We can only hope that trend continues and we get some new hot content from these ladies.
But all of this is just my opinion and doesn't matter at all, so feel free to bitch and tear it apart if you like.