Broads More Annoying Than Drew Barrymore

Well - first off we need to exclude the Lard-Trash-Ians because ALL of these talentless "Hos" are annoying and the sooner they get sent on a 1 way trip to Mars the better off we will all be

Sarah Jessica Parker - If she asked me to fuck her in the ass I wouldn't know which end to put it in. She looks like she could win the Triple Crown every year with that horse face of hers
Tori Spelling - ditto above. She has the blank/confused/helpless look of someone trying to figure out the Square Root of 11,234,457 and wears red lipstick that can be seen from the Moon

I saw some column recently about: Good looking celebrities married to Ugly people and it listed the 2 above as being good looking and their spouses as being ugly. That is being VERY kind since I would argue it might be the other way around - these "ladies" are the ugly ones in the family

EVERY SINGLE WOMAN on "The View". These "women" think they are God's Gift to the planet when these cackling hens are really just annoying dummies thinking that by ripping on men and applying makeup with a Wagner Power Roller they will seem smart. It's no coincidence these "ladies" are either all single or have been married several times

Ann Coulter - I don't think I really need to say why

Sarah Palin - one of the single dumbest women EVER! Yet she has parlayed her down home appeal into winning elections for high ranking offices. What she is doing now is brilliant. She doesn't want to run for any office - that would require work, something she wants no part of. Instead she loves giving speeches to captive audiences who will applaud her and say great things about her because they are just as fucking stupid as her. I go back to the 2008 POTUS election where he equally empty headed daughter (Also on this list) was preggo out of wedlock - and a teenager. We were told everything was OK because she loved her (then) b/f and would marry him, blah, blah, blah. If this had been Bristol Obama instead of Bristol Palin - Sarah Palin would have gone on the offensive and RIPPED Bristol Obama a "new one" saying how awful it was that someone running for POTUS allowed his teenage daughter to get preggo and preggo out of wedlock but because it was Sarah's daughter all was OK

Michele Bachmann - everything I said about Sarah Palin applies here, too. So painful dumb it hurts to hear her talk yet she somehow fooled people into thinking she knows what she is doing when we have seen many times what her real "talent" is:

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Fran Drescher; Julia Louis Dreyfuss; Hillary Clinton; Chelsea Clinton; Rachel Maddow; Ma donna; Barbara Streisand; Diane Feinstein; Michelle Obama; Pelosi Galore; Lois Lerner; Anne Coulter; Che r; Courtney Love; Kim Kardashian; Paris Hilton; Eleanor Clift; Julia Roberts; Pamela Anderson; that tranny looking hoe Donald Sterling was porking; Jenny FUCKING McCarthy and anyone on the View.
Michele Bachmann is that piece of shit that kills a wild animal then poses gleefully next to its corpse, isn't she? Fucking her then.

Probably a distinctly British point of view but for varying levels of stupidity, preposterous self-worth, hypocrisy or all of the above - Katie Price, Kerry Katona, Katie Hopkins. Just fuck off, fuck off, and when you think you've fucked off enough for me to consider you fucked off, to make triple sure, fuck off some more. Jade Goody and Amy Winehouse survive making it onto my list because they're dead, but they were both complete twats while they were alive.

Oh, and Petra. For spurning my advances, repeatedly.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Jane Fo.nda should have just killed herself after posing on an NVA antiaircraft gun.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
If we could pick one woman that never should have born it has to be Oprah. She is the antichrist. "It's beautiful to be big." "Come on girls, join me with my healthy lifestyle secrets." "We are all human and cave into our indulgences...Yes, even me, St. Oprah. Follow me through these depressing times." "I've got the secret to get you back on track to be the better you." "I've found doctors to help you named Phil and Oz and a never ending list of books specially selected by me to free yourself from the chains that bind you."

Oh, and her shacking retirement announcement. The world needed 5 years of prep for her ascent into the heavens. Fear not, I will be here with you with my own television network. I will live forever.

Anything can be done without a man but if Stedman threw a ring on her, the wedding would be on pay-per-view.

A correction. [NOBABE]Sarah J[/NOBABE]. Parker doesn't have a horse face. It's more like a shoe.
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Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Damn, you guys ran the table on me before I got here. All I got left are the scraps. So I'll go with Jo@n Rivers, Sarah Silverm@n, Glori@ Steinem, Glori@ Allred (ambulance chaser to the stars) and Mari@ Bartiromo (blowjobs at 30,000 feet for a good interview). Maria used to be called the "Money Honey" back in the day. When she left CNBC recently and joined Fox/Faux Business News, looks like she asked for no money... just unlimited trips to the buffet written into her contract.

And last, but certainly not least, CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera (when you're this ugly, you shouldn't be so angry on TV).

Damn, you guys ran the table on me before I got here. All I got left are the scraps. So I'll go with Jo@n Rivers, Sarah Silverm@n, Glori@ Steinem, Glori@ Allred (ambulance chaser to the stars) and Mari@ Bartiromo (blowjobs at 30,000 feet for a good interview). Maria used to be called the "Money Honey" back in the day. When she left CNBC recently and joined Fox/Faux Business News, looks like she asked for no money... just unlimited trips to the buffet written into her contract.

And last, but certainly not least, CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera (when you're this ugly, you shouldn't be so angry on TV).

Kudos for Gloria - forgot all about her. She is not easy to look at, too. What irks me about this ambulance chasing camera whore is that she is a hypocrite. If she REALLLLLLLLY is concerned about sexual harassment in the World - take on a case where the MAN is the victim and the Woman is the accused. After all - justice needs to be color and sex blind. If she REALLY cares about justice - take on a man suing a woman. She won't because she knows her career is over - and that makes her a big time hypocrite.

As for [NOBABE]Michelle C[/NOBABE]-C: You are right about ugliness - but it needs to be clarified some. You are referring to women NOT men. Guys can get old, fat and ugly and they still have a job. Not many women out there like Candy Crowley - and that is for a reason
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If we could pick one woman that never should have born it has to be Oprah. She is the antichrist. "It's beautiful to be big." "Come on girls, join me with my healthy lifestyle secrets." "We are all human and cave into our indulgences...Yes, even me, St. Oprah. Follow me through these depressing times." "I've got the secret to get you back on track to be the better you." "I've found doctors to help you named Phil and Oz and a never ending list of books specially selected by me to free yourself from the chains that bind you."

Oh, and her shacking retirement announcement. The world needed 5 years of prep for her ascent into the heavens. Fear not, I will be here with you with my own television network. I will live forever.

Anything can be done without a man but if Stedman threw a ring on her, the wedding would be on pay-per-view.

Oprah is the Mistress Of Deception. She appears as an angelic figure coming down from Heaven to help American women but leads them down the left-hand path pumping bullshit into their heads then passing them off to Ellen DeGeneres to give them some style tips and dance lessons. Oprah can't even figure out how to get married herself. Even Rosie O'Donnell has more sincere intimacy than she does.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Pelosi, Fiencunt, and the first socialist.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
As for [NOBABE]Michelle C[/NOBABE]-C: You are right about ugliness - but it needs to be clarified some. You are referring to women NOT men. Guys can get old, fat and ugly and they still have a job. Not many women out there like Candy Crowley - and that is for a reason

Yeah, I agree with that. But on the flip-side, women (in TV) have the advantage over men, in being able to get a job reading news off a teleprompter (calling themselves journalists) with nothing more than a beauty pageant title (third runner up or above) and the ability to mumble some words. I'm kind of happy that Candy Crowley is still around though (fat & ugly, but talented). In addition to being uglier than sin on a Sunday morning, Caruso-Cabrera annoys me because she's an asshat, a blowhard and a gas bag. She made the call on "the end of capitalism" the exact week before the stock market began the biggest and longest bull run in history back in 2009. She lets her politics do her thinking for her. I wish Fixed Business News had picked her up when they took Fat Ass Bartiromo.

Pelosi, Fiencunt, and the first socialist.

Don't forget P@tty Cake Murray.

[NOBABE]Barbra Streisand[/NOBABE] might be unbeatable in a most annoying category. What the heck is wrong with James Brolin?


Thank you for ruining my lunch. :throwup: She looks like a dude I used to work with named Maury - only I think Maury was better looking. My only guess is Brolin either has a severe eye sight problem or he's broke and she pays him to pose as her guy. Either way, he can't have ANY self-respect.

Nobody else wants [NOBABE]Nancy Grace[/NOBABE] to be shot into the sun?

I don't know much (anything) about astrophysics. But I say we fill her ass with gun powder and give it a try anyway.