Little Red Wagon Repairman
I start off with Julia Roberts. A horse-tooth grin is worse than perpetual baby-talk.
Damn, you guys ran the table on me before I got here. All I got left are the scraps. So I'll go with Jo@n Rivers, Sarah Silverm@n, Glori@ Steinem, Glori@ Allred (ambulance chaser to the stars) and Mari@ Bartiromo (blowjobs at 30,000 feet for a good interview). Maria used to be called the "Money Honey" back in the day. When she left CNBC recently and joined Fox/Faux Business News, looks like she asked for no money... just unlimited trips to the buffet written into her contract.
And last, but certainly not least, CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera (when you're this ugly, you shouldn't be so angry on TV).
If we could pick one woman that never should have born it has to be Oprah. She is the antichrist. "It's beautiful to be big." "Come on girls, join me with my healthy lifestyle secrets." "We are all human and cave into our indulgences...Yes, even me, St. Oprah. Follow me through these depressing times." "I've got the secret to get you back on track to be the better you." "I've found doctors to help you named Phil and Oz and a never ending list of books specially selected by me to free yourself from the chains that bind you."
Oh, and her shacking retirement announcement. The world needed 5 years of prep for her ascent into the heavens. Fear not, I will be here with you with my own television network. I will live forever.
Anything can be done without a man but if Stedman threw a ring on her, the wedding would be on pay-per-view.
As for [NOBABE]Michelle C[/NOBABE]-C: You are right about ugliness - but it needs to be clarified some. You are referring to women NOT men. Guys can get old, fat and ugly and they still have a job. Not many women out there like Candy Crowley - and that is for a reason
Pelosi, Fiencunt, and the first socialist.
[NOBABE]Barbra Streisand[/NOBABE] might be unbeatable in a most annoying category. What the heck is wrong with James Brolin?
Nobody else wants [NOBABE]Nancy Grace[/NOBABE] to be shot into the sun?