Sarah Palin
Brother, you forgot the "Both at the same time" option.
Punishing anal sex for Sarah while Bristol rams that sweet ass in my face.
How about Sarah on my cock and Bristol on my face?.
Sounds good to me!.
Well, considering both of their track records with keeping the child, I say neither.
Did you not read my reply on then punishing anal sex? No one's talking about the vagina here, pal.
Did you not read my reply on then punishing anal sex? No one's talking about the vagina here, pal.
If we are talking about Sarah and Bristol Palin then it should be mandatory to talk about Vagina's as that is the part of Sarah and Bristol I'd love to explore more than anything else.
Neither both are probably all streched out and blown out down there after having kids, so no I do not want to drop my golf pencil down their mineshafts.