Brett Favre Stuns Vikings and Retires


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Brett Farve stuns Vikings and retires... only to come back before the season and signs with the Rams! Shocker!


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Come on this guy is worse then a Marvel comic character he'll be back.
I don't believe this. I won't believe it until he says it publicly. His best friend on the team - Ryan Longwell - talked to him just this morning and Favre said nothing about retiring. I think this is just the media being dumbshits. All the local news says this may just be bullshit and that he is most likely coming back.

If in fact he does, all I can say is he is a disgrace to that whole organization and should've never had the right to wear the jersey.
I'm excited that he's retiring (for today), now I can finally wear my Sage Rosenfels jersey with pride.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
I so don't give a flying fuck about this asshole and haven't since he started holding Green Bay hostage 3 years before he retired the first time.

Fuck ESPN too. They kill me every time they ask "why is everyone so interested in what Favre is going to do". :facepalm:
I don't buy it at all. I'm nearly positive that he'll "come back" after the 1st preseason game, as that coincides with the end of training camp. I really think all this is just a way not to have to go to training camp, which I don't really think he needs anyway, but he probably just doesn't want to come out and say "I'll play for the Vikings this year, I just dont want to go to camp."

As for my 1st post in this thread, I was just itching to make a Sage Rosenfels reference.

And really, the thing that upsets me the most about this whole business, is that today was supposed to be the day that SportsCenter was at Chargers training camp, and when they went live from Murphy Canyon (Charger's training facility) it was just Chris Mortensen talking about Brett Favre... lame.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
slow news day and ESPN is creating hype for their own creation. ESPN's credibility is sagging to an even lower low

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I heard he's going to the Miami Heat now to try and win a title...
Childres said today it's a "fluid" situation - it could go either way at this point. So yeah, ESPN shoud stand for what now, Everyday Shit Provided News???? :1orglaugh

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
I just added 2&2 and was more surprised at 4 being the result than I am with Favre and ESPN starting this shit again. :surprise:


Postal Paranoiac
He is SUCH a wishy-washy bitch!! But, my heavens, can he play baseball!! :nannerf1:
I told y'all. Said today (officially) if he's healthy (and he is) he'll be in a Viking s jersey. In other words, he's playing this year. I don't know (as a moderate Queens fan) if that's a good or bad thing. :rolleyes: They should've got McNabb.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
^^ I saw that on FavreCenter this morning. Here's an article about it and a video straight from the horse's mouth. If you care, click the link. I know I don't. But some people do or there wouldn't be this much goddamn coverage! :mad: