Breaking up with Obama

So in just taking the word of the sites you posted...One says Obama has appointed 34 Czars while Bush appointed 13 more than Obama with 47 (according to the sites you posted).

I'm not sure what the point was with you posting the last site. It undercuts your whining about Obama somehow going Czar crazy when Bush appointed some 13 more than Obama has.

And I know you're not running the "qualification" angle.

My point is that Obama's czars are anti capitalism/America. Do the comparison.
So in just taking the word of the sites you posted...One says Obama has appointed 34 Czars while Bush appointed 13 more than Obama with 47 (according to the sites you posted).

I'm not sure what the point was with you posting the last site. It undercuts your whining about Obama somehow going Czar crazy when Bush appointed some 13 more than Obama has.

And I know you're not running the "qualification" angle.

Oh so since the GOPer myth of Obama somehow creating the Czar process has run into the facts....the new question is who's Czars you prefer?? :1orglaugh

Guess what? The American people decided that Nov. 2008.:2 cents:

Yes, and they will also decide again after "seeing the true colors of this guy" in November.
My point is that Obama's czars are anti capitalism/America. Do the comparison.

No. Your point as with all of the GOPers spinning on the Czar issue was that he was appointing them. I know most of you were too busy fapping to Glenn Beck to realize this wasn't new and that all these Czar positions go from administration to administration and were just plain ignorant of the facts to begin with.

I asked you how many had Obama appointed by comparison...since that doesn't work out for you you want to decide who is qualified.:spump:
My goodness, and you never diverged from a topic to make a point? You seem very angry right now.

:rofl::rofl:Why would I be "angy" you're the one getting your ass kicked sideways in this debate....:1orglaugh

"diverged"...I asked you a simple question since you brought the subject, I'm not angry in the least.

I just love boxing some of you guys into the goofy corners you paint yourselves into after running here with lame talking points spun out to you by the wingnut spinners.

Shouldn't you begin to question just some of the nonsense they send you out into the world with after getting your teeth kicked in time after time after time following the blather of those loons???
:rofl::rofl:Why would I be "angy" you're the one getting your ass kicked sideways in this debate....:1orglaugh

"diverged"...I asked you a simple question since you brought the subject, I'm not angry in the least.

I just love boxing some of you guys into the goofy corners you paint yourselves into after running here with lame talking points spun out to you by the wingnut spinners.

Shouldn't you begin to question just some of the nonsense they send you out into the world with after getting your teeth kicked in time after time after time following the blather of those loons???

I'm glad you are not angry as I gather reps for these posts, and my teeth are just fine. All I ask is that members read the qualifications Obama's czars have and note a damaging thread of anti American ideals that pervade them. You are the company you keep.
I'm glad you are not angry as I gather reps for these posts, and my teeth are just fine. All I ask is that members read the qualifications Obama's czars have and note a damaging thread of anti American ideals that pervade them. You are the company you keep.

I'd like to have this spirited discussion again in the fall, tired, going to sleep. Be well Mega!
I'm glad you are not angry as I gather reps for these posts, and my teeth are just fine. All I ask is that members read the qualifications Obama's czars have and note a damaging thread of anti American ideals that pervade them. You are the company you keep.

Ooo...ya got me there!! Your circular rep club will dole you out some rep for making the ubiquitous "Obama sucks" posts irrespective of what sense it doesn't make.

I guess that'll show me.:cool:

BTW, what qualifications are suitable to be a "Faith Czar"? The first of it's kind created under GWB...
Take a look at their radical qualifications and you get a better feel for the Messiah Obama!

Dude, remember, if the information you want to share does not come from the pages of the New York Times or from a report on ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, CNBC, or MSNBC, then it's going to be considered to be from a "right wing extremist", "fear mongering", "racist" site/publication/blog and the liberal "brain" (even if it's just the stem) will not let it stick. It'll just keep repeating:
"Obama is good,
Obama is great.
We surrender our will,
as of this day."

Or in the most severe cases [to the tune of the old Batman TV show]: "Nananananananana Obama, nananananananana Obama, Obama, Obama..."
Dude, remember, if the information you want to share does not come from the pages of the New York Times or from a report on ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, CNBC, or MSNBC, then it's going to be considered to be from a "right wing extremist", "fear mongering", "racist" site/publication/blog and the liberal "brain" (even if it's just the stem) will not let it stick. It'll just keep repeating:
"Obama is good,
Obama is great.
We surrender our will,
as of this day."

Or in the most severe cases [to the tune of the old Batman TV show]: "Nananananananana Obama, nananananananana Obama, Obama, Obama..."

But we're supposed to take serious a site called theobamafiles where "Obama, show us your birth certificate" are being sold among other spaced out, wingnut tripe?
I personally see this as the "media's" failure, because they proped up an unqualified radical.... And now their just trying to cover their tracks, and absolve responsibility.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Fuck Obama, he's just another piece of shit puppet for the corporations that run this fine country...
aww man you guys just hate him cause hes black, i dont hear no dickhead calling bush out after lying about weapons of mass destruction just to attack iraq and afghanistan, wasting all that money on war. letting the banks give loans to people who couldnt afford to pay it back. this shit was happening while bush was in office, not obama's term. fucking americans, in general our government fucks us and thats that. "breaking up with obama" lol give me a fucking break u bitch ass whiners. move to another country and tell me how your doin'

aww man you guys just hate him cause hes black, i dont hear no dickhead calling bush out after lying about weapons of mass destruction just to attack iraq and afghanistan, wasting all that money on war. letting the banks give loans to people who couldnt afford to pay it back. this shit was happening while bush was in office, not obama's term. fucking americans, in general our government fucks us and thats that. "breaking up with obama" lol give me a fucking break u bitch ass whiners. move to another country and tell me how your doin'




what the fuck you lookin at?
aww man you guys just hate him cause hes black, i dont hear no dickhead calling bush out after lying about weapons of mass destruction just to attack iraq and afghanistan, wasting all that money on war. letting the banks give loans to people who couldnt afford to pay it back. this shit was happening while bush was in office, not obama's term. fucking americans, in general our government fucks us and thats that. "breaking up with obama" lol give me a fucking break u bitch ass whiners. move to another country and tell me how your doin'


I was a bush basher too. I agree he really fucked the country up. But Obama hasn't done shit to fix it. Like I said he's just a corporate puppet, like every other president we've ever had. They are all the same. I'll continue to say fuck so and so, until we get a presidet worth a damn, which, sadly will never happen