Breaking up with Obama

President Obama gave his big oil-spill speech Tuesday night, and I sat rather dumbfounded just after it as MSNBC's Keith Olberman and Chris Matthews virtually trashed a guy they've tingled and swooned over since early 2008. Hearing so much reality from the formerly dazzled was quite akin, I thought, to witnessing a teenage breakup, where a girl suddenly has the epiphany and sees the character defects in Mr. Cool. Teen-romance epiphanies, where the once-infatuated person now sees clearly the cause-for-grave-concern flaws that her friends saw all along, usually occur just after some especially revealing event.

For our liberal friends, the oil spill seems to represent the impetus for epiphany.

So, are liberals breaking up with Obama?

Now, liberals may wince mightily at having their sudden disdain for their own president compared to a teenage breakup, but it would take a rare ninny indeed not to admit that the entire Obama affair was always more fairytale -- as Bill Clinton surmised early on and was pitilessly pilloried for -- than it was based on reality.

The fairytale aspect of liberals' affair with Obama is, I think, that they -- like the infatuated teenage girl -- saw in him only what they wanted to see. The gaping holes in Obama's résumé got short shrift, while his teleprompted eloquence had them all a-swooning. Like the teenage girl who wants to hear or see nothing amiss about her new beau, liberals turned a deaf ear and blind eye to every troublesome bit of Obama's idealistic folderol and defended his lack of executive experience on the ridiculous notion that he was above those sorts of things because he was, after all, rather like a god.
Here is a little fake letter conjured up by someone as a parody for breaking up with Obama:

Dear Prez Obama,

It was really cool to get to vote for u and all, but I really dont think this is gonna work. I dont like politics but I thought u were cool so I went to one of ur rallies on campus and all my friends and I had ur bumper stickers on our notebooks. But Im like really really mad about this oil spill. I mean its like our environment! Ya know? I love to going beach to get tanned and now I wont be able to if there is oil there. OMG. And there are other things like my dad still doesnt have a job. That sucks because my parents stopped sending me money every month, so when my friends wanna go out and drink and whatever, I cant go. Major bummer. Ya know? So I was like really really bummed because whenever I go to the student union, they are always have the TVs on MSNBC and even THEY say they dont like you anymore. And since I dont really like politics, I gotta believe that the TV people are right. So yeah .. I dont know if I am going to vote again. When is the next time you are running for Prez??

Luv Alwayz,



Whats that noise?

...Its getting louder

...and louder.

...Oh, My God!!Take cover!!
Its a entire herd of right wingers coming this way!!
Whats that noise?

...Its getting louder

...and louder.

...Oh, My God!!Take cover!!
Its a entire herd of right wingers coming this way!!

Or left wingers to defend to the death Obama's honor? Either way I found the opinion piece interesting, pretty well known, though interesting. Also it gave me excuse to post the funny break up letter I found on a website.


I knew it, I could see it from a mile away. Even back when he was newly elected, they referred to America's honeymoon with Obama. Now everyone can see the truth, Obama just wanted to get into America's pants and devirginize her. Now America is just a big fat whore. We are living inside a big fat whore everyone!! The shame!


I knew it, I could see it from a mile away. Even back when he was newly elected, they referred to America's honeymoon with Obama. Now everyone can see the truth, Obama just wanted to get into America's pants and devirginize her. Now America is just a big fat whore. We are living inside a big fat whore everyone!! The shame!

Did he at least wear a condom?:cry:
I knew it, I could see it from a mile away. Even back when he was newly elected, they referred to America's honeymoon with Obama. Now everyone can see the truth, Obama just wanted to get into America's pants and devirginize her. Now America is just a big fat whore. We are living inside a big fat whore everyone!! The shame!

And soon that whore will have a lot of children growing up with no father around cuz he skipped town, and she will successfully get welfare throughout her life. Hmm... where have I seen this type of action like this before?


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
meanwhile, Congress does nothing and receives little, if any, blame. the president can only do so much. Until we hold our Senators and Representatives accountable, this mess will continue.

How many Senators are front and center on this issue? Where is the senator from Alabama? Mississippi? Louisiana? Where is their outrage?

Oh yeah, it was probably bought during the last few elections.
Wait, some major catastrophe happens, and people who were once happy with the president become angry and blame him? I would never have believed THAT would happen.

There can't be a break up if there was no marriage in the beginning.

Only in the extremes of US politics and media would Obama be considered some sort of leftist.

Only in the US would a politician talking about things like universal health care be called a leftist for example.In every other country everyone on eithier side of the political spectrum supports such.

Obama is a moderate pragmatic politician, was before and will almost assuredly stay that way.We on the left always knew that,we weren't thrilled by his stand on many issues such as afghanistan and even the health care bill falls far short of what those on the left wanted so again he was never a darling of the left so there can be no break up.
I'm not a fan of Obama for a variety of reasons, but looking objectively on it I can say a few things in his favor.

1. He inherited one of the worst situations in the history of this country. The only presidents that come to mind immediately that came in in worse situations are Lincoln and F.D. Roosevelt. He was dealt a very bad set of cards and people expect him to do well with them. Often it's just not realistic to expect that to happen.

2. He might very well have to deal with more shameless blatant obstructionist politics and measures than anybody else has had to since just after the civil war. Is there anything the republicans don't threaten to filibuster, or nominations they don't try to hold up anymore?

3. The American people seem even more fickle than before. Times are worse and they get more desperate and selfish, and that‘s reflected in everything else. Plus, and maybe it just seems this way, but it seems like people or more swayed by nonsensical rhetoric in the media and are convinced opposing things that are obviously in their best interest, like universal health care, and greater regulations of business. The American people also don't like to blame themselves for what has happened or the people the put in congress.

With that said there are too many times where Obama seems to be gutless or very slow to move or change anything, and I can see some of the more liberal people getting upset. Seeing how long it has taken him to try to get equal rights for homosexuals comes to mind. Backtracking on things like giving captured terrorist trials is another. In a lot of other things it seems like he is either drawn back from the positions he told us he was at during the election or is just way to slow to move. Like all politicians seem to get eventually he's also becoming a fan of half-assed solutions, and catering to the elite or portions of the populace. He also too often seem to be trying to play everybody equally to keep some people from getting to upset instead of having the guts to do the right thing.


Postal Paranoiac
The right had to be praying for a crisis of this magnitude to test Obama. As it turned out, he didn't rush right into action, in much the same way that Bush handled Katrina. Well, with one major difference: Katrina was a natural disaster. The Gulf Rig Explosion and leak is a man-caused event. But, like Barack said, "he's only the President." He's right...especially in this case, where maritime law and corporate responsibility have more to respond to than the Commander-In-Chief.
meanwhile, Congress does nothing and receives little, if any, blame. the president can only do so much. Until we hold our Senators and Representatives accountable, this mess will continue.

How many Senators are front and center on this issue? Where is the senator from Alabama? Mississippi? Louisiana? Where is their outrage?

Oh yeah, it was probably bought during the last few elections.

Smartest thing said in this entire thread.
I'm off for the weekend, but just before I leave, I want to stir up the beehive with this little homework for the lefties around here. The homework is to refute this piece:

People can change the volume, the location and the composition of their income, and they can do so in response to changes in government policies.

It shouldn't surprise anyone that the nine states without an income tax are growing far faster and attracting more people than are the nine states with the highest income tax rates. People and businesses change the location of income based on incentives.

Likewise, who is gobsmacked when they are told that the two wealthiest Americans—Bill Gates and Warren Buffett—hold the bulk of their wealth in the nontaxed form of unrealized capital gains? The composition of wealth also responds to incentives. And it's also simple enough for most people to understand that if the government taxes people who work and pays people not to work, fewer people will work. INCETIVES MATTER.

The rest of the piece can be found here:

Now, how is it that His Majesty's policies are NOT going to wreck the economy?
Now, how is it that His Majesty's policies are NOT going to wreck the economy?

:1orglaugh Because it's already been accomplished by his predecessor maybe?:1orglaugh

Now THAT'S what I call "Mission Accomplished!"


My Penis Is Dancing!
We're supposed to refute something that might or might not happen? That's the biggest lame-assed scare-tactic homework assignment I've ever seen. Besides, the tax cuts that are supposed to end at that point didn't exactly stop the economy from tanking the last time, now did they? I mean, if that was Bush's version of the taxes working, then I guess the gulf spill is BP's version of curbing our attachment to oil.
As for hating Obama for the spill, can't do it. His comment that "If I could fire the guy (BP CEO Hayword), I would" took a lot more balls than his predecessor ever did.

Yes, I've seen some liberals unhappy with Obama, but most have missed the big picture. Yes, it would be nice to see him change the country for the better with the snap of his fingers, it would be nice to see him create a better health-care system, cleaner energy, get out of Iraq and Afghanistan, completely end the recession, ensure that every American has a job, end illegal immigration, put our fears of terrorism to rest, yada yada yada.
Unfortunately, in today's partisan political climate, getting about anything worthwhile done is almost impossible. You could have the perfectly written bill making it illegal to kill cute little puppies for game, but you'll have some little cunt like Don Young who will object unless he can attach an amendment that allows the Florida construction company that has him in the pocket to build everything in the state all the time.
I'm not breaking up with Obama because, ultimately, he's not dumb enough to commit the U.S. to 2 meaningless wars which do nothing more to secure the U.S. than run up $3trill in debt.

However, I liked Obama the Candidate much better than Obama the President. He allowed clueless sadsack GOP Senators and their Tea Bagging Minions to brand him a "Socialist" or he allowed them to swim in their own paranoia and delusions of a Socialist America, thereby rendering Obama unable to fix the Bush Admin problems.

Business Regulation and ending obscene tax cuts do not equate to Socializing America.

If Obama stuck to his campaign promises we would be out of the Middle East and on our way to a "green" economy. We'd also have military assets in place to watchdog over BP or assist with the cleanup of the Gulf.

The Obama Administration's lack of action or faulty decision-making in order to appease the GOP has cost him credibility.

If the U.S. unemployment gets below 9% by November...the Dems will win all the elections. Everything will come down to jobs...