Yeah you don't engage most on here because you have no real argument or anything to actually concretely provide. So don't derail
Yeah you don't engage most on here because you have no real argument or anything to actually concretely provide. So don't derail
And you're a broken record of going nowhere with what have to say. Bob and I have shared info and even provided numbers for you to call. But you give your same bullshit reply. 50 single line sentences about a whole lofts nothing.
I forgot what event it was but others and I provided details of funeral places with times and dates and places of rest. Phone numbers where death certificates can still be provided. Those and the synagogue shooting victims list have the same information to provide concrete proof of the truth that it was not fake.
Update soon.
It didn't exist if it didn't happen to me.
That is the mantra. Is this the only way to convince meestre and those thinking likely? That may be and I don't want that to happen.
That bomber guy and his antics. A simple visit to the USPS site spells out the several ways mail is dealt with. Mail is screened at various levels at different locations. There was a return to sender. Government officials names on the face of the package that did not match the actual spelling on their names.
This kid does not listen in class. Mom and dad are trying to help him with his science projects but he won't participate. Failure after failure to visit the funerals. Failures of failures to to take due diligence to follow up on information.
Meester, you claim so many people are not dead but alive. Claim that with a fact with any person.
Conspiracy theory is religion to you, meester, no one is going to knock you off your beliefs. You can apply that same dogmatic view to anything, it doesn't make you right, just delusional.
Never once does anybody directly oppose a particular thing and show me why I am wrong.