For those including those in that congregation who are using this tragedy for political advantage and to silence President Trump and conservatives - fuck you. I fucking hate the left.
Their idea of civility is not being called out, the fucking pussies that they are. Civility for me but not for thee.
For those including those in that congregation who are using this tragedy for political advantage and to silence President Trump and conservatives - fuck you. I fucking hate the left.
Their idea of civility is not being called out, the fucking pussies that they are. Civility for me but not for thee.
yeah but you're shocked White people don't shoot up synogogues and mass murder Jews more often.
Are you really? Do White Americans really hate jews that much? Do you really truly believe that?
I'm going to try one last time to get through to you.
Please indulge me. Just minute of your time sir.
And please correct me if i'm wrong about any of this.
1- A large drill is conducted in an area. Mass casualty drill with cops, fire, fake victims, ect ect.
2- Not long after in that same exact place the same exact thing happens but....."This time its real".
3- We see no action of the actual incident. No police shooting, none of the alleged shootout then went on for some time ,no injuries, no blood, no ambulances taking away victims, no tears even, in fact we don't see anything other than a shit ton of Police, SWAT, ARMY, NAVY, Marines, FBI, ATF, CIA, FEMA, DHS and you name it walking around armed to the teeth and doing absolutely nothing.
The only proof we ever get in every one of these is that the people on the TV told us what happened. They tell us a vision. And every single person involved in the event is either just following orders and doing their job and/or has a shit ton of money heading their way in the form of charity and government funds.
Am I wrong so far?
4- Immediately, and I mean immediately, every single MSM NEWS business is saying the same exact thing word for word.
Immediately every single MSM NEWS business has an endless amount of people at their studios saying the exact same things and pushing the exact same narrative and agenda. Where do these people come from so quickly? Why do they all same the same things? Every newspaper in the country is pushing the exact same agenda and repeating each other word for word.
They all know the guys name, his entire life history, even the shit he posted on social media that day. They know it all immediately.
Am I wrong yet? Is any of that untrue?
5- Just as manipulated , some people take Trumps side and other take the side of the MSM, which portrays itself as "Left".
And people begin to fight. The Fake News then reports how people are fighting and how fucked up the country is, and round and round and round.
And its the same exact template, same exact structure after each one of these mass killings.
Doesn't it seem to have an artificial feel to it? Do you ever question any of it?
So you side with Trump and say "Fuck the left".
And for every one of you there is another saying "Fuck the right".
And round and round we go until the next one happens.
Now here's the thing.
What if, just what if the whole thing is just bullshit.
A fake media event designed to do exactly what it does after every one.
Because that is exactly what happens when the government and the news media become one in the same.
That is why freedom of press is part of the 1st amendment. You control the information and you control everything because everything is a result of information.
Maybe you and I are just being manipulated to take a side and argue with the other side about whatever agenda is being pushed after each manufactured event.
Tell me Animous has this ever crossed your mind?
Is it possible this is the case?