
I saw this girl on Hip Hop Honey's Brazil over a year ago and was infatuated with her. I was just seeing if there was more to be found of her or if she just did Hip Hop Honey's and dissapeared.

I've search and search and found nothing else on her. But pretty much every other girl that was on the video is on This Site (Twins/Elaine, Aline, Tatiana, Lebara, Roberta). They use the same names on the SambaCuties site that they used on Hip Hop Honeys, but of course Christiane isn't on there.

I hope there arent any copyright infrigments by doing this but...Here she is:
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Wow, evidently no hotlinking with Image Shack either...Plus half the links where taken off/messed up...I'll try to host them somewhere else.

Hoping this isn't to big...

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Yup, that's her clip on Hip Hop Honey's for anyone that wants to take a look.

Would take awhile to DL all the parts (have to use IE) and join them...with WinRAR.

Wonder how many dozens of time I've watched that clip. :D

Thanks Dr.Fika
I found a pic on under the guy that does shoots and works for Game.Inc (The Company that made Hip Hop Honeys), and is the Directed/Photographer for Digital Creations (The Company that runs SambaGirls).

His name is Derrick D. Threatt, and Chistiane is on his member page:


You have to scroll down to about the middle (Lots of pics) and she is one of the last ones under "Artistic Nude". She is posing topless with a white dress down around her waist and wrapped in her hands in front a sunset.

I've never seen anything of her besides the Hip Hop Honeys movie so this picture is a first for me...It also means she has a photo shoot or two floating around somewhere out, and in my opinion it would have to be on one of the websites that Derrick D. Threatt is a photographer for.

This probly isn't the biggest help in the world for anybody looking for her stuff but the Agency at the top of his member page is in the credits on the original Hip Hop Honeys Brazil DVD as to where the Models came from (The Image Agency (Agencia Imagem)) plus it mentioned Qualita Models in the credtis too...The link to Quality Models is dead though...and I can't really find anything on them anywhere else...On top of the fact you can't take pictures from OneModelPlace.

Oh well I got excited when it only took me about 15 minutes to find out she had done something beside Hip Hop Honeys when I came back online tonight...Then I sat here for hours to find nothing else. :weeping:

Anyway thanks in advance to anybody who helps look/keeps looking.