Boxer dies after fight

They're both stupid sports. I don't see how anyone would voluntarily choose to participate in something that's so self-destructive. If they die it's their own fault. That may sound cold, but it's fucking true. Not like they didn't have it coming.

Anyway I'm not sure what the point in comparing them is. They're both dangerous sports, period. But people enjoy watching them and no one is forcing them to do it, so neither should be prohibited.
People do die. Sportsmen are people too. They also die. Sometimes it is sudden death.

There were several cases when soccer or ice-hockey players died right on the pitch, though there were no fights or punches. Just cuz sometimes there are hidden diseases, that become fatal under the exhausting conditions of professional sport.

Sometimes it is the mistake of the doctors, who did not notice the problem, sometimes sportsman knows about his health problems, but still prefers to play.

This happens not cuz some kinda sports are "stupid". Even people who just walk down the street can die in a seconds, due to some come off thrombus for example.

Professional sport is big pressure to the health of any human being.


Torn & Frayed.
I have a sudden urge to watch Pulp Fiction......
This happens not cuz some kinda sports are "stupid". Even people who just walk down the street can die in a seconds, due to some come off thrombus for example.
So you mean the odds of suffering severe head damage aren't increased when you receive multiple strikes to the head, worst case scenario even the temple?

MMA and boxing is dangerous. Potentially even lethal. And yes, I consider anyone who feels like that is not reason enough to avoid it at least a little bit stupid. But like I said everyone is one's own master, and no one is forcing it upon them. Some people binge-drink their bodies to death, other do boxing.

Will E Worm

Sam Vasquez

Vasquez became the third fighter to die in an MMA bout. Vasquez joins Douglas Dedge who died in an unsanctioned Ukraine event. Dedge was unable to be medically cleared in the US due to a pre-existing heart condition. "Korea witnessed its first MMA related death at a Gimme 5 event (now known as Neofight) in 2005. The cause of death was due to brain hemorrhaging after the fight, but many blamed the death on the promotion's inadequate medical standards."

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I don't know, if theirs a higher risk you can die being involved in MMA or boxing. for example take all the boxing and all the MMA matches that have taken place in the last century and a half (150 or so years) and you combine the deaths attributed to both sports, its still a very small percentage per sport, per matches that have taken place in the last 150 years.

So in essence you can conclude that you can die playing just about any sport, you can die from eating food, drinking water, you can get struck by lightning @ anytime, whether is raining or not.

You can die walking down the street, or riding your bike, you can die @ work, or even @ home by some freak tragic incident.

Weird shit can happen anywhere out of the blue. the fact is you can die from anything. :yesyes::2 cents::hatsoff:


what the fuck you lookin at?
People do die. Sportsmen are people too. They also die. Sometimes it is sudden death.

Yea, overtime is a mother fucker!
I would say that MMA is safer. Refs in MMA stop fights if the fighter doesn't protect himself. I don't watch a lot of boxing but it seems that those refs let the fight go on for awhile.
So you mean the odds of suffering severe head damage aren't increased when you receive multiple strikes to the head, worst case scenario even the temple?

I mean that the percentage of deaths even in such a dangerous kinda sports is not higher than in "innocent" ones like soccer, where no one is fighting (well, sometimes they do fight, but I mean actions according to the rules of the game). Not so long ago I've read a news about a distance runner, who died of heart-attack while athletic competition...

To my mind these are individual cases. And when there is a proper medical control, chances to die during boxing match are not much higher than during figure skating competition.
Sometimes people just can't or shouldn't take the risk out of life in the pursuit of doing things they like doing, like playing sports.
Imagine what Seeger is going trough at the moment.

Combat sports have the same risk as every other sports. People can get serious injuries because they willing to take a higher risk to win but that's basically with every sport and that's why you train. You can always stop, slowdown the fight but its up to you to make that decision.

I do understand that people find this kind of sports brutal but there is more behind it then just mindless fighting.

I heard more stories about people dying playing soccer then in combat sports.


Will the other fighter end up getting buttsecks in the basement of a pawn shop?

Deja vu...
I do understand that people find this kind of sports brutal but there is more behind it then just mindless fighting.


There's a strategy involved thats almost like chess. If you don't understand, well, you just won't understand.

These things happen. They are unfortunate when they do, but few and far between. These people train for this, and there are rules set in place with safety in mind.