Boston Vs. Orlando? Who you got?



The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I'm going with the Celtics, simply because the city of Boston can't take any more playoff losses this year without exploding.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
I'm going with the Celtics, simply because the city of Boston can't take any more playoff losses this year without exploding.

Tell me about it; fucking Bruins. Sonafabitch.....:crash:

I'm alright, sorry about that. Celtics are gonna take the series.
Orlando in 5. Boston has shot its wad. Plus, they will now be going up against Dwight Howard, not the corpse of Shaquille O'Neal.
I gots me some OMage in 6. I think Orlando is a different and much better team with Jameer Nelson than they were last year.

I do like the Celtics---Rondo is fookin' sick. But the Big 3 really are Hit or night Rey Rey is clanking his 3s...the next night KG is in foul trouble...:dunno:

If Dwight Howard can stay on the court he will abuse Rasheed Wallace and Kendrick Perkins...
I really don't care who wins this one,as long as the Lakers lose.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Well Boston will take a 3-0 lead, and then lose really close in game 4, really suck in game 5, try to pick up the pace in game 6, then in game 7 take a 30 point lead after the 1st half and then blow....wait I confused them with those choke artists the Bruins! And is it me or do you notice that Magic Johnson is getting up there in weight like Charles Barkley?
From what I saw they looked like a team that had been off for a month...and they still almost won!

I think Orlando in 6 is about right....

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I absolutely fucking hate the Celtics. I hate KG (anything is not possible, docuhe), I hate their jerk off fans, I hate their jerk off tradition, I hate their jerk off coach. Really, I just hate the whole goddamn city. I'll root for whoever the Celtics are playing even if that means that I have to root for Kobe. Yeah, such is my dislike for the girls in green. :mad:

Way to put in a poll too.
Thread fail/10.