I read the link, and it's like the old kiddie game where you start a story at one end of a line of kids and the story that makes it to the other end is NOT the same story that started.
For a long time, hundreds of years, Kief was (and is) the name of the short, specific strain of Cannibus plant grown there in Morrocco.
I had my kief blend made by a cobbler/kief vendor in the old market (Medina) in Rabat. This is a mixture of nasty hard arab tobacco ground to a powder and mixed with the crushed and cleaned Kief plant flowers, or buds. Those 3 section pipes with the little clay bowls are Kief pipes. Morroccons would sit with a mix, dip the pipe in and fill it, then play cards and drink mint tea while smoking the Kief mix.
Mmmmmm...Morroccons are the only Arabs who smoke bud, not hashish. Hash is made there but only for export or for visiting foreigners. As a rule...
Nowadays Kief is used as a name for anything (pollen raw sold as Kief, for instance, or nasty badly made oil mixed with crumbled oregano and called...Kief) that needs an official get-high name.
But now you know the real story!
I hung around Morrocco in the 70s.