Well AFAIK Sienna is about $1000 an hour from Pamela Peaks website you'll have to be verified though.
Any good pornstar escort Tours so depending where you live she may venture round your parts eventually best bet is to ask her or her agent and find out where she'll be.
While pornstars have sex with more different partners than the average person and as an escort more sex in general I'm not entirely sure that causes them to be 'looser' especially compared to someone that's had children so I'd just ignore that or read some reviews but I suppose that depends on how big you are to begin with.
I doubt you need to book an expensive room, from what I've seen a decent, relatively cheap 3 star will do or just go for incall if the option exists and avoid paying for a hotel altogether.
Personally I'm not tipping but I'm English and we don't really do that & all in it shouldn't be anywhere near 4 or 5k unless you're unlucky.
Really all depends how much disposable income you have and how much making a fantasy come true is worth to you.
wow you know so much about so much.
no reason to debate this too much but 4 or 5 grand is not too far off.
she's a popular porn chick although I dont see why but nonetheless popular.
she probably gets a few grand at least to do scenes on websites.......and she probably wouldnt do some stranger in a hotel for any less.
so add it up, 1000, maybe 2 per hour, and what are you gonna do in an hour, youre probably gonna do 2 hours theres at least 2 grand, probably more and you probably got to pay an agency some more.
then the hotel.
as far as her coming somewhere in driving distance of your penis that could save you some airfare and taxi or car rental.
if not theres at least another thousand.
you add it up and my estimate is pretty spot on.
as far as the comment I made about her vagina.
Ive seen her scenes, she's one of the biggest fakers there is.......its obvious that woman feels very little.
but I do agree about brits not tipping.
I rented a room to a british guy here in south america.
he broke the rules and brought a hooker over.
I found out because they were arguing over her tip, which was basically 4 0r 5 bucks for a taxi.
she was pissed and he kept saying "100,000 pesos(40 bucks at the time) para todo" like an idiot.
he wouldnt budge, like I need some pissed off pimp coming to my house and shooting me over 5 bucks after he's long gone.
I gave it to her, got her out and gave him the boot the same night.
funny thing, the 40 dollar colombian hooker was better looking than siennna.