Here again it is proven that whether Black Lives Matters depends on the colors involved ... and on which side the real criminal and the real hero are.
So in this case a REAL Criminal Scumbag Damontea Chappell (Black)
robs what so far looks like is a REAL Hero Role Model Air Force Veteran Ray Bass (Black)
while he's dying from a heart attack!
True the Black criminal scumbag did not KILL the Black veteran ... but, on some level, as the article alludes to, is on an even LOWER bottom feeder level of crime than murder.
And yet --- in THIS case, apparently Black Lives do NOT Matter.
No riots masquerading as peaceful protests were initiated within 5 minutes.
No flamethrowers, smoke grenades, fireworks, ball bearings, bricks, etc. were brought in.
No arson, no looting, city occupying and Wendy's burning in defense and honor of Ray Bass.
Elementary. Black Life did NOT matter in this case because the Black victim was not a career criminal ... and because the Black perp scumbag was not White and / or a Police Officer.
Should all Blacks be declared Robbers of Dead People because of this one incident just like all Police Officers are declared Killers?