BLM - 100 things you can do


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Louie "Don't Cast Aspersions At Mah Asparagus" Gohmert suggested banning the Democratic party for it's historic association with slavery. Sure, great idea, and while we're at it, let's ban the official religion of slavery, too, Christianity.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I do love and study history. If you do as well, you know the south realigned in the 60s from Democratic to Republican. As I noted elsewhere, do you think Strom Thurmond just woke up one September 1964 morning and said "I feel like leaving the Democratic Party"? No. There was a very distinct reason.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I do love and study history. If you do as well, you know the south realigned in the 60s from Democratic to Republican. As I noted elsewhere, do you think Strom Thurmond woke up one September 1964 morning and said "I feel like leaving the Democratic Party"? No. There was a very distinct reason.

I just agree with the dumbasses that try to connect the current Democratic Party with slavery and ask for agreement to tear down all the Confederate monuments, since we all agree that the South sucks.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I just agree with the dumbasses that try to connect the current Democratic Party with slavery and ask for agreement to tear down all the Confederate monuments, since we all agree that the South sucks.
Static pictures sometimes do not tell the entire story. Today: the defenders of the Confederacy are typically Republicans. I am confounded by anyone who misses that glaring point.

I can't agree with the South sucking as every location has good and bad.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Static pictures sometimes do not tell the entire story. Today: the defenders of the Confederacy are typically Republicans. I am confounded by anyone who misses that glaring point.

I can't agree with the South sucking as every location has good and bad.

I'll clarify that to, "The Confederacy sucked."
I started to reply to the history of the Southern Strategy and 1964. The picture I posted was really just to see if I would get the standard knee-jerk defensive response back. Its not untrue, but is also ignores the racists that stayed within the party and the only one dixiecrat flipped.

I’ll say something a bit more human, I see a couple of profiles feeling pretty superior sitting there banging out hate while the potato chips fall on your belly. That is your privilege. It is really meaningless. I suspect it is meaningless to you and it is your priveledge.

Has your son or brother attended one of the BLM rallies? Have they been close to the damage done, have they been pushed by police at the rally?

Do you teach your children how to speak with the police because DWB is a fact of life? It isn’t the DWB that you get that is the problem, it is the one that your children get that scares you to death.

Have you sat in a business meeting and everyone is telling you how diverse the organization is and that the next project goes to the guy who looks like the other guys?

I know my answer for all of those.

I’m damn proud of Obama. I’m damn proud of Harris. I think some of you don’t get it and I think some of you really need to read the Jackie Robinson story to try and understand it. I’m also damn proud of Owens and Cain.

Sitting back in your chair telling people you can pick them out on facebook is racist. Sitting back in your chair telling people that they need to think your way is racist.

This board isn’t racist, but there are a couple of pretty prolific posters that continue to post racist materials. My hope is that it is just one poster that is talking to themselves.

Feel free to engage in the grade school bullying and banter. It mostly only a couple of profiles probably owned by one. Perhaps take a pause and leave race out of it. Just don’t. Continue with the rest of your arguments, but leave it alone. Especially if you are not the subject. Be a human. Realize that this is really a morality issue and it shouldn’t be touched. I’m not innocent. I bated and regardless of what you do, I will stop.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Thank for your note. The knee-jerk response was only simple history. Ask me for the square root of 169 and I'll give you a knee-jerk response of 13.

You post a picture of racists; no one referenced racists after you posted it, and then you call out racists?

And, to top it off, one of the 🐬 aliases calls us out as 'owned by one'? xfire is > 14K and I am > 12K.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Thank for your note. The knee-jerk response was only simple history. Ask me for the square root of 169 and I'll give you a knee-jerk response of 13.

You post a picture of racists; no one referenced racists after you posted it, and then you call out racists?

And, to top it off, one of the 🐬 aliases calls us out as 'owned by one'? xfire is > 14K and I am > 12K.

I'll assume Fishy took exception to some of the things that were posted, IDK, I put One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish on ignore.
I started to reply to the history of the Southern Strategy and 1964. The picture I posted was really just to see if I would get the standard knee-jerk defensive response back. Its not untrue, but is also ignores the racists that stayed within the party and the only one dixiecrat flipped.

I’ll say something a bit more human, I see a couple of profiles feeling pretty superior sitting there banging out hate while the potato chips fall on your belly. That is your privilege. It is really meaningless. I suspect it is meaningless to you and it is your priveledge.

Has your son or brother attended one of the BLM rallies? Have they been close to the damage done, have they been pushed by police at the rally?

Do you teach your children how to speak with the police because DWB is a fact of life? It isn’t the DWB that you get that is the problem, it is the one that your children get that scares you to death.

Have you sat in a business meeting and everyone is telling you how diverse the organization is and that the next project goes to the guy who looks like the other guys?

I know my answer for all of those.

I’m damn proud of Obama. I’m damn proud of Harris. I think some of you don’t get it and I think some of you really need to read the Jackie Robinson story to try and understand it. I’m also damn proud of Owens and Cain.

Sitting back in your chair telling people you can pick them out on facebook is racist. Sitting back in your chair telling people that they need to think your way is racist.

This board isn’t racist, but there are a couple of pretty prolific posters that continue to post racist materials. My hope is that it is just one poster that is talking to themselves.

Feel free to engage in the grade school bullying and banter. It mostly only a couple of profiles probably owned by one. Perhaps take a pause and leave race out of it. Just don’t. Continue with the rest of your arguments, but leave it alone. Especially if you are not the subject. Be a human. Realize that this is really a morality issue and it shouldn’t be touched. I’m not innocent. I bated and regardless of what you do, I will stop.
Heartfelt post. I left you a message.

A good suggestion was made just to put the people who don’t add value on ignore. I just put them on and it seems to work nicely. Just a thought.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Odd part of your post - xfire and I are on your side here. Unless you still think of yourself as 🐬
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New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Someone already posted that Ammon Bundy supports BLM, I think it was johan, but I couldn't find the post. Here's an article that makes it clear....

Ammon Bundy, an anti-government activist who led the 41-day armed takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge back in 2016, expressed support for the Black Lives Matter movement and for defunding the police in a recent Facebook video.

He said in the video that he had considered attending, near his home in Boise, Idaho, “a rally with the Black Lives Matter in support of defunding the police because yes the police need to be defunded.” He decided not to attend the rally, citing concerns about potential violence from fellow “Patriots” who have criticized his stance on the issue.

Anyone who doesn’t understand his support for the movement “must have a problem,” he said.

“You must have a problem in your mind if you think that somehow the Black Lives Matter is more dangerous than the police,” he said. “You must have a problem in your mind if you think that Antifa is the one going to take your freedom.”

Four years ago Bundy led a group of “Patriots” who tore down fences and bulldozed over federal land considered sacred to Native Americans, causing close to a million dollars in damage to the bird refuge property and buildings, according to the Obama administration. The occupation began as a protest of the federal government’s treatment of ranchers Steven and Dwight Hammond, but turned into a weeks-long confrontation with local and federal authorities. Bundy was later acquitted for leading the occupation.

Bundy went on to blame Conservative talk show hosts for adding a negative connotation to certain key phrases like “defund the police,” which he called “the right thing to do” as police have become “a huge authoritarian bureaucracy” that will “take way our liberty.”

He criticized his followers for supporting law enforcement and the military “even when they’re doing terrible things across the world.”

“I’m not saying that everything they’re doing and every person in it — don’t get me wrong – are doing that, but there needs to be a defunding of government in general, and especially the police forces because they’re the ones who are actually going to seek and destroy us.”
Heartfelt post. I left you a message.

A good suggestion was made just to put the people who don’t add value on ignore. I just put them on and it seems to work nicely. Just a thought.

Thanks. So, here is the thing. I get BLM. I get black people supporting and participating in it. I support people in the movement and have attended a peaceful march in Georgia. I get the frustration. I don't think it is the most effective way of dealing with the issues.

I don't support violence and vandalism. If the thugs participating in that would take up arms and actually take a stand and revolt, I would have respect for it. They don't.

I do think all, but a few exceptional white people who support BLM are racists and are participating in using black people for their own gain.

How does BLM protect Black police? How does BLM protect black lives in cities and towns that are run by black police and black government? How does BLM save black lives from disproportionately high abortion rate? How does BLM save black lives from growing up without a father? It doesn't even address effectively the high percentage of black lives in prison. These are fundamental issues. They aren't secondary.

You want to peacefully in thoughts,soul, and action support BLM? you'll get no abuse from me. Spare me your internet tough guy routine from behind a keyboard,. I know a racist when I'm looking at one.
Ol' georges, the Propaganda King.
Certainly not.The mainstream media such as CNN,CBS, NBC, ABC and MSNBC and the New York Times who were and are always Democrat and more over Obama devotees and now Biden devotees were and still are the ones who are the kings of propoganda with the russian bs collusion delusion narrative first, then the Kavanaugh nomination's slandering and also now with the Corovinarus pandemic, all good bs excuses are good to be found to blame everything on Trump just because they hate him.Even one of the Democrat candidates, Rep. Jones says that Democrats infected with pandemic of intolerance, bigotry, socialism, anti-law enforcement bias Mainstream medias have been drinking the Obama koolaid for far too long, their bias and inability to be in touch with the reality have skyrocketed litteraly among the years.

Queen Bogs

Someone already posted


You're always repeating what you've seen others safely say*. Only your own thoughts from now on, can you do that, cupcake? 😺🧁 It's going to take some time, don't rush back 😽

* I suppose it could be one lone loser, posting across his several screen names. Rightright. Hell, could even be, it probably is - 🤐😄 I mean, how else do you assure that you always have the last word? 😂 What lames 🤣 Virtual lames 😝​
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You're always repeating what you've seen others safely say*. Only your own thoughts from now on, can you do that, cupcake? 😺🧁 It's going to take some time, don't rush back 😽

* I suppose it could be one lone loser, posting across his several screen names. Rightright. Hell, could even be, it probably is - 🤐😄 I mean, how else do you assure that you always have the last word? 😂 What lames 🤣 Virtual lames 😝​
I know that I offended someone quite a while back when I accused them of having multiple accounts. No shocker, the defense was to accuse me of the same thing. Whatever, I own those actions and I have pretty clean conscience. I even restated the accusation recently. I deserve what I get. I'm not sure if this post is something about that or similar or unrelated. Bad habit of making life about me.

I'm not trying to poke anyone. I'm genuinely at a loss and find it funny. What is the Fish/Dolphin thing about. I'm at a loss? lol I keep seeing it posted. Not sure if it is an inside joke.