Bill Clinton & his memoirs

I'm in NO way felling sorry for myself, I'm just making a point, that unless you're unemployed, you have no idea what you're talking about! and sorry "Taco Bell" wouldn't come close to covering my bills! Enough said!
I work in a Career Services location in one of the highest unemployment states in the US.

There are plenty of jobs. Just people are underqualified and don't want to work to get them.


College is what it's all about these days to get where you want. Looks like I got another 4 years to go then.
The biggest problem is that people don't know how to:

A) Write a Resume
B) Keep themselves Motivated
C) Organize themselves
D) Talk to people
E) Go through the interview process

If you fail an interview its not the end of the world.

Non-profit organizations are hiring everyday of the week. And just because they are Non-Profit doesn't mean they don't pay.

They pay pretty good. And there is always the service to think about... You don't have to be an infantryman to be in the Army.

EDIT: I was laid off too. When I got laid off, I didn't mail my resume. I went to EVERY bank in town and just started talking to people... I had so many interviews that I had to actually schedule more than one a day sometimes.

The reason I work in Career Services now is because Im working off of Student Loans and going to a University. I decided to just wait out this storm and increase my employability. What I do for Career Services is a Student Position but you still learn a lot.
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Nice post Goblin,
I agree with you totally. I've covered all the points you made, and you're right, most people dont know how to write a resume. I'm constantly updating mine almost every week to try and fit whatever job description they're looking for! What I was originally looking for initially (jobwise) I found too many people vying for the same position, so I've reverted back to finding something I did before, and the results have been encouraging!
And he got a BJ.
But he said that was all :bs:

I personally think a little more went on... Something like :love-smi: , but that would of made the contraversy even worse.


Closed Account
ehh, anytime you talk politics , it will turn into one, its a good discussion at least
supernova said:
fuck the clintons!!!

Fuck them? Well, I wouldn't mind some action with Chelsea Clinton... ;) *LOL*
Nothing a paper bag couldn't fix.

Old joke, but oh so true.

Anyone seen Scary Movie 2? LMAO He puts a bag on that ladies head. I was laughing my ass off.


Closed Account
supernova, we are now friends, i like your taste, haha