This Mike-centric episode solidifies my belief that this is the best new show of any network. And Mike Ermantraut is the best supporting character, EVER.
OK, I'm finally caught up now. I had to watch some episodes twice they were so damn good.
But anyway, the episode where Mike is telling his daughter-in-law about how it went down with his son, that should absolutely earn him an Emmy for best supporting actor. What other TV performance would/could be close? Hell, other than American Sniper, I haven't seen anything that moving in even a movie. It's like Breaking Bad in so many ways (the characters, the look and feel, etc.). But it's also different. And that's a good thing. It's its own show.
And something I hope one of the Breaking Bad fans here can help me with. I believe the Feds found the money that Mike was putting aside for Kaylee a couple of times. But did any other money get set aside for her, by Mike, Walt or Gus? I'm just wondering if, like Walt, Jr., there will be something there for her?
Kind of off topic, but the actress that plays Mike's daughter-in-law is the same girl (Kerry Condon) who played Octavia in Rome and a jockey in the eclectic HBO drama, Luck. I also remember her being on the Walking Dead when I used to watch that show. The only reason I'm mentioning her is because she has a heavy Irish accent, but her accents and appearances never come across the same. She's a real chameleon character actor. Which I guess is what makes a successful character actor.