Best Sports Movie

I just recently watched The Kevin Costner Movie:
For love of the Game and thought that was a pretty good sports movie

I got into thinking what are other good sport movies...usually they kind suck and have a disney moment in the end where the worse team starts off bad and ends up saving the world and winning it all (a la Mighty Ducks)

My personal favs are
Bull Durham and Raging Bull
i remember watching on a movie with Pele and Sylvester Stallone...cant remeber the name of it and it was pretty good...anybody got any personal faves?...
Nightfly said:
I'm not a big sports fan, but I really liked that movie with Michael Caine and Sly Stallone from the '80s - "Victory." Pele was a soccer God. :thumbsup:

Thats the movie...Thanks nightfly :thumbsup: man i was on yahoo looking through stallones page and didnt see it there...thanks again


Closed Account
major league 1, not the sequals , just the first one , it was awesome


Retired Moderator
Now it didn't win any awards, but "The Replacements" was one of the funniest sport films I've seen in a while. I was thoroughly entertained the whole time.
As for sports drama I would say "Rudy" with Sean Astin, hell even I was yelling "RUDY, RUDY, RUDY" at the end of the movie :1orglaugh
Civickiller80 said:
Thats the movie...Thanks nightfly :thumbsup: man i was on yahoo looking through stallones page and didnt see it there...thanks again
Think you'll find it was called Escape to Victory :)
I saw Couch Carter the other dy. Thought that was a good movie, not saying it was the best, but the fact that it was based on a true stry did make it better and more believeable.


It's good to be the king...
Can't believe no-one has mentioned "The Natural"..........


Order unimportant:
Major League, Friday Night Lights (if it's called that), Any Given Sunday, Mr3000 was pretty good.... drawing a blank on more.
The best sport movie ever was HEROES, I think it was german, and it was a excelent documentary about the Mexico´s World Cup '86.
I have an orgasm every time I see Diego's second goal to the english pirates.What a fine piece of art....

...mas, me das cada dia mas, aleluya por el modo que tienes de amar...



It's good to be the king...
********** said:
It's because you're in "sunny England" which was very windy today actually that you say the name of the movie is ESCAPE TO Victory. In America it was released as "Victory" because "we didn't want to give away the ending." But it's an English movie featuring such English bornandraised heroes such as Michael Caine, Bobby Moore and Ossie Ardiles (a-hem)... and Pele... and Sly Stallone... so lets use the English title, mate, screw the bloody yanks. Wankers. Just kidding, boys.

Speaking of which...

ESCAPE TO VICTORY is my favourite Sports movie of all time...
Followed by THE NATURAL (see, I mentioned it)

Why are there fucking so fucking damn motherfucking many fucking baseball fucking movies?


England is going to get windier - apparently the remnants of Hurricane Wilma will be hitting us this week....

PS: what about Fever Pitch (1997)? Based on the classic 2-0 Arsenal football league victory over Liverpool in 1989....
KO_Computer said:
I have an orgasm every time I see Diego's second goal to the english pirates.What a fine piece of art....

Dunno how Maradona can ever be credited with the second goal, when it was clearly Terry Butcher's slide tackle that puts the ball in the back of the net!
********** said:
KO... I never saw that movie, though I would like to. Diego's second goal certainly was art, and one of the best goals ever scored.

His first goal, you know, was also art. Because many great artists have done very important things with their HANDS... and Diego did something very important with his HAND that day... he put my Pirates out of the World Cup. OK, so our military are wankers and we should have let the bloody Falklands go, but football is football... and as much as I respect Argentina... any team featuring Gary Lineker, John Barnes, Glenn Hoddle, Peter Beardsley and Bryan Robson deserved a place in the final. I think Russia, Belgium, Brazil, France or Denmark should have faced Argentina in that final... not Germany.

Take care, man... and good luck to Los Argentinos in Germany next summer. I'll be there. You should come and check it out.


Dear Fox, yours words speak about truth.

Sometimes I think you, the English sons, never saw all the 90 minutes of the hole match. I only hear complains about Diego's first goal. OK, perhaps it was unfair, perhaps illegal ( :1orglaugh :rofl: :1orglaugh )
but what happened next?
He appologised.
He proved how sorry he was scoring the most beautiful goal ever. And did you see that? I doubt it. You will never reconize it. But if you want to talk about injusticies, let talk about how England put my beloved Argentina out the last World Cup. As much as respect England... any team featuring Ortega, Crespo, Batistuta, Simeone (yes I know YOU hate his guts) and Sorin deserved a place in the second round...
Take care you too, pal. Are you gonna be en Germany next year? I envy you already

Diamond said:
Dunno how Maradona can ever be credited with the second goal, when it was clearly Terry Butcher's slide tackle that puts the ball in the back of the net!

In that case, wasn't that the most beatiful own-goal(?) you have ever seen?



Closed Account
Some of my favorites have already been mentioned, but, my all time favorite may be Brian's Song (the original). Gayle Sayers was a great running back, as well as a great man, imo.
i enjoyed the first two Major Leagues... one is priceless. but the best part in two is when Tanaka tells Pedro Serano he has no.... no.... MARBLES!, and then Serano nails a homer and fondles his "marbles" at the dugout towards Tanaka.... best part in the movie
********** said:
KO Computer... how long have you had that Avatar? Is that new?

Hilarious. Absolutely hilarious.


I've been using this avatar resently, and I think I will use for a long time.
Diego was our last miracle.

I remembered and other futbol movie, I don't know if somebody mencioned before. It was called Mean Machine and it was funny as hell. I wonder why is said that the english humor is not funny
