If they were your drunk ass would have been out the door long ago.
probably. but keep campaigning.
If they were your drunk ass would have been out the door long ago.
And how ironic that you are whining about being called a Nazi and then promptly label and entire group of people as "motherfuckers".
a SCOTUS appointment who will be on the bench for the next 20-30 years. and there's more coming. as soon as those 2 dinosaurs step down or croak.
as someone here pointed out - that was what the election ultimately came down to - the balance of the supreme court.
7-2 motherfuckers.
god bless east texas and mullets.
That's really not a good look, particularly on an Oriental, would make Billy Ray Cyrus look classy.
god bless east texas and mullets.
yeah, I'm pretty sure some backwoods hick is the only person who still uses the term "Oriental" Your white trash is showing.
yeah, I'm pretty sure some backwoods hick is the only person who still uses the term "Oriental." Your white trash is showing.
Dollars to donuts those Texas boys still watch Amos and Andy and snicker.
You think you any less redneck Nawth Carolinah? Delusion mouth breather.
That will go well with ani's sandals made out of old Army jeep tires. Where'd he go, by the way? Run off to Kung Fu practice or practicing his booze calculus?
I suppose you could say Slant Eye is about on par with White Trash. And about the only thing shit in the above assessment is the person making it. Have a nice weekend, I'm hoping the bans come tomorrow, but if not, I'm sure by Monday all three of us will be looking for a new forum. Adios, dip shits.
I suppose you could say Slant Eye is about on par with White Trash. And about the only thing shit in the above assessment is the person making it. Have a nice weekend, I'm hoping the bans come tomorrow, but if not, I'm sure by Monday all three of us will be looking for a new forum. Adios, dip shits.
You called me a racist, I am not.For the record I have done nothing that should warrant a ban whereas your penchant for responding to me and others with profanity-laced personal attacks should be considered as such in my opinion.
I suppose you could say Slant Eye is about on par with White Trash.
a SCOTUS appointment who will be on the bench for the next 20-30 years. and there's more coming. as soon as those 2 dinosaurs step down or croak.
as someone here pointed out - that was what the election ultimately came down to - the balance of the supreme court.
7-2 motherfuckers.