Aww... man. Here I had this grandiose mental picture in my head of you being some kind of NASA-looking guy with a white shirt, pocket protector, black rimmed glasses, and all scientist like.
Such as Sir Richard Branson, Michael Phelps, Barry O, Carl Sagan, Michael Bloomberg, Arnold Schwarzenegger, George W Bush, James Brown (hardest working man), Elvis Presley, John Wayne, Thomas Jefferson........
Such as Sir Richard Branson, Michael Phelps, Barry O, Carl Sagan, Michael Bloomberg, Arnold Schwarzenegger, George W Bush, James Brown (hardest working man), Elvis Presley, John Wayne, Thomas Jefferson........
Would love to get a buzz on but my company has a serious random piss testing policy and it just isn't worth losing my job over. God forbid they'd have any casual and recreational weekend pot smokers working for them!!! If I ever get fired (or, more likely, when I retire in a few years like I have planned), I'll be firing up a bowl on a regular basis when appropriate. Smoking pot is relaxing, enlightening, funny and delicious. Anyone who says it makes you "lazy" and a "loser" probably thinks that way because those are the qualities that THEY inherently possess and smoking pot makes for a convenient excuse for having those traits. Millions of extremely successful people smoke pot on a regular basis.
Pot should be's absolutely ridiculous that it isn't. Just another glaring example of our misplaced priorities being manifested to the detriment of all. Stupid. Beyond stupid actually.